Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Intergovernmental Management Essay
1. What is the provision of the United States Constitution that may apply in the case of an agreement or compact between two or more states? Regarding the applicable provision of the United States Constitution is Section 10 of Article I. That section of the Constitution provides in part that â€Å"(n)o State shall, without the Consent of Congress †¦ enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State.†2. Do you think that the proposal of James Raika to just enter into an agreement between the departments falls under that provision? Do you think that his proposal is reasonable? What do you see as the major advantage of that proposal? In your view, what is a major problem with this limited approach? The proposal of James Raika to enter into an agreement between the departments doesn’t fall under the provision without the Consent of Congress. The University Education is entitle to its rights and such as a moral duty to the state and that the Consent of Congress approval isn’t needed. James Raika’s proposal is reasonable with entering into an agreement with their counterpart in that other states to allow students to attend at in-state rates if a program is not offered in the home state of the student. What I see as an major advantage of the proposal is that the agreement would be easily understood to write and execute a plan. The major problem is introducing the idea of making an agreement between the departments in the two neighboring states may be overstepping the power granted to each one. In my personal view the major problem with this limited approach is that the states breaching there agreements and not following through with proposal plan in the near future. 3. Why do you suppose that Morgan James wants to take a more expanded approach? What do you think are some of the benefits of that approach? What do you feel are the potential problems? What would be the sequence of events for proceeding to try to gain approval? The reason why Morgan James wants to take a more expanded approach is to make sure they follow all the rules and regulations so that there are not any issues concerning higher education. Morgan could probably want to seek full responsibilities of this major innovation approach. Even though her position as Executive Director’s position is appointed or elected that could be her reasoning into motivating this approach too. The sequence of events to try to gain approval would be the process of growth and passing of laws. In the growth stage of figuring out the proposed it will take the essential actions such as establishing stakeholders, to determine the needs of the neighboring states, and preliminary of forms/documents. Lastly, get the legislation to pass and signed into a law within each state that is party to the agreement. 4. If Margaret Smith is opposed to the idea, in either form, what are the implications? Why do you think she is against the idea? What might you be able to do to help coordinate a discussion between the parties? Margaret Smith seem to disagree by opposing to this idea. One reason suggest is that she does not like the idea legislative efforts at controlling the costs may be circumvented by some attempt at our higher education department to propose an agreement with another state to waive the out-of-state rates in many instances. Secondly, the different roadblocks that could be faced with different issues. What I might be able to do to help coordinate would be to meet with her and the other parties to show the prediction of costs and benefits of different point of views of the result.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Kids Need Sports
Kids these days are stuck inside doors just playing video games, doing homework, watching television, and that’s just wrong. Kids should be outside playing sports, getting some exercise while having fun. There are many reasons nowadays why kids aren’t playing or end up quitting sports, such as their parents don’t want them to play and get hurt, kids feel that they can’t do the sport or won’t be any good at it. A other reason kids end up quitting sports because they don’t like to lose or be on a losing team but as Muhammed Ali once said â€Å"I never thought about losing, but now that it’s happened, the only thing is to do it right†(Ali).This is a good mindset to have. Playing a sport at a young age helps the child become a better leader, team player, and an athlete that will carry on as they get older. Whoever disagrees that kids shouldn’t play sports should consider all the benefits sports bring to a child’s life and the people around them. Kids that play a sport are more likely to be in healthy, and have better socializing behavior. There are reasons why kids don’t playing sports at an early age due to parents not allowing them, and kid end up quitting sports due to injury and the stress of a sport.Sports are a great way for a kid to stay in shape and have fun. Playing a sports at a young age has a lot of health befits. As stated by Family, Youth and Community Sciences â€Å"According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who participate in sports are less likely to become pregnant as teenagers and are less likely to suffer from depression. There is also evidence that athletic activity can decrease the likelihood of developing breast cancer and osteoporosis. †(â€Å"Benefits of Sports for Kids†). Kids that play a sport at a young age are more likely to have better eating habits, and exercise when they grow up to an adult.As told by Academic Search Premier. â⠂¬Å"Athletes are generally less likely than their nonathlete peers to smoke cigarettes or to use marijuana or other illegal drugs (â€Å"Relationships Between Youth Sport Participation†). When a kid plays a sport they are often on a team which builds socializing skills and teamwork skills. Routledge â€Å"Around the world, there is evidence of sport/physical activity programmes being used to re-engage young people in education and society more broadly (â€Å"The role of physical activity/sport†).Kids that play sports learn how to share, be a leader, have great team work, and be a better person in both the sport and everyday life. Kid will also have better obedience, and respect to their elders and parents. Sports are a great way to find close friends to talk to play with and they would have the same interests and hobbies as the child would have this makes finding friends easier on the child. Parents need to be involved in their child’s life making sure they are up to good; a great way in doing that is to enroll them in a sport.Parents are the one that need to make the push in their child’s life to start playing a sport and finding the sports they would like to play. Often enough parents are also the reason why kids aren’t playing any sports. An example would be a mother doesn’t want her kid to play football because they can get injured and she is to overprotective of her child, but parents need to know that they cannot keep their kids in door all the time this could cause socializing problems, and health problems. As said by Steinberg Academic Search Premier â€Å"As a general rule, kids should start playing sports around age 6 (â€Å"Let's play ball! ). There are many reasons why kids quit sports nowadays. Some of the reason are that the kid is under too much stress and got injured and afraid to play again. The kid could be in a great deal of stress with the sports busy work schedule with practices, games, and film . This could be a lot for a kid to handle. Academic OneFile â€Å"If your child is unhappily stuck in a high-stress situation, De Lench advises, allow him or her to quit. â€Å"As adults, we walk away from situations that aren't good for us, and it's a healthy lesson to teach your child (â€Å"Not just fun and games†).Kids also should just play seasonal a sports not a year round sports so he or she is constantly under stress. Youth sports are essential to a kids’ development to grow and learn. A child without a sport could have health problem when growing up and likely to get into more trouble with drugs. The kids also build social behaviors and leadership traits that well stick with them for the rest of their lives and good friends along so. The things that are stopping kids from playing g sports are parents, cause of injury, and a stressful environment of the sport itself.
Monday, July 29, 2019
capital punishment Essays (1266 words) - Human Rights, Free Essays
Capital Punishment The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been abolished in most modern first world societies, but not all. There is much debate as to whether it is right for countries like the United States to continue to use this type of justice, and if it is an efficient way to fight crime. However, there are many arguments as to why there is no place for the death penalty in a civilized society and that it is not an effective way of stopping crime. A justice system which is based on rehabilitation is far more effective in reducing violent crime than a strictly punishment system that includes a death penalty; this can be seen clearly when comparing Canada?s to the U.S.A?s crime rate. Not only is the death penalty ineffective at lowering crime rate, it also costs taxpayers more than imprisoning someone for life, contrary to popular belief. In addition to the previously stated problems with the death penalty is the fact innocent people are convicted every day; innocent people have an d will continue to be murdered because of wrongful convictions. The ineptitude, cost and chance of wrongfully condemning someone to death are all reasons as to why the death penalty is not the answer to crime and that there should be no place for capital punishment in a civilized society. Many people believe that the death penalty is not an effective solution to violent crime or even an efficient way of decreasing violent crimes. The fact that the death penalty does not deter crime is proven when comparing the homicide rates between Canada and the United States; although homicides are punishable by death in the U.S.A, the rate at which they occur is more than triple that of Canada?s (1.8 per 100,000 in Canada to 5.5 per 100,000in the U.S.A). These numbers reveal that not only does the death penalty not stop murders from happening, but in countries that focus on rehab rather than punishment the homicide rate is lower. Capital punishment makes little if any difference to homicide rates and has not helped countries like the U.S reduce violent crime, making it an obsolete and ineffective form of justice. The inability of the death penalty to prevent, rather than punish murder is just one of many reasons as to why it is the wrong answer for how to serve justice. The death penalty has been and will continue to be argued from a moral, ethical and legal perspective. However, some countries have abolished this practice for one simple reason: money. Although most people believe that it would cost less to execute convicts rather than give them a life sentence, it is actually the opposite; life in prison is in fact cheaper than sentencing someone to death. An audit into the cost of death penalties in Kansas counted death penalty case costs up to the execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted till the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000. For death penalty cases, the pre-trial and trial level expenses were the most expensive part, 49% of the total cost. The investigation costs for death-sentence cases were about 3 times greater than for non-death cases. The trial costs for death cases were about 16 times greater than for non-death cases with $508,0 00 for death case and $32,000 for non-death case. This audit of the Kansas justice system reveals that it not the actual execution but the trials leading up to the executions that cost the most. The extremely high cost of executions compared to a cheaper alternative that ensures the same result (crime cannot be committed while someone?s in prison) demonstrates why the death penalty should no longer be used. Some wrongful convictions are inevitable in all justice systems. In most cases when the victims are found to be innocent they are compensated somehow, but if someone is sentenced to death there is no way to make up for that. The fact that an innocent person could be murdered simply because he or she was wrongly convicted is wrong. An example of someone being wrongfully executed is Johnny Frank Garret of Texas who
Comparative Environmental Law on Oil Spills Essay
Comparative Environmental Law on Oil Spills - Essay Example Climatic changes and economic losses are a characteristic of many nations in the current global arena. Funny enough, these problems are directly congruent to environmental pollution reducible through proper laws, rules, regulations, and measures. The following discussion entails comparative environmental law on oil spills. This paper provides the history of oil pollution and control under international law, which have been in existence from the classical period to contemporary world. In addition, the paper also focuses on the BP Gulf and Exxon Valdez Oil spills. While discussing these two, these paper attempts to provide a synopsis, environmental impact, developed laws both federal and state, as well as lawsuit that resulted from the same. On a different perspective, the paper also identifies similarities and differences between the two main oil spills whilst trying to create an understanding of the various laws that came into play soon after the spills. The conclusion of this paper includes ending judgments, concluding laws and regulations, as well as the author’s personal opinion in regards to environmental laws helping in controlling oil pollution. Introduction on oil spills †¢ History of oil pollution liability and control under international law The US and many other European countries have fought oil pollution through enacting of regulations against the same since the 1800s. The worst oil spill ever experienced in the world history, Torrey Canyon spill in 1969 significantly enlightened the international community in enacting international liability regime against all oil pollution especially from oil spillages. It is surprising that despite the fact that US was a party in signing the CLC of the 1969, it was never involved in practicing the enacted policies. According to US, its decline to join the same was because CLC had inadequate damage liability hence enacting her own liability scheme, OPA in 1990. Ironically, many scholars had reservations against OPA of 1990 citing evidence of its inadequate damage liability caps that made US to decline being party to CLC (Read 129). Pre 1960’s oil pollution control Amongst the global nations, UK was the first ever to enact water pollution rules and legislations in 1814. The US followed suit 52 years later when they developed the Refuse Act of 1866. Refuse Act of 1866 aimed at prohibiting or controlling the act of discharging water pollutants into the New York Harbor. 33 years later, 1899 the US decided to expand the Refuse Act to include all navigable waters taking into considerations that its initial aim was to protect New York Harbor. Demand for oil increased considerably due to advancing technology, which called for greater energy needs especially in the beginning of the 20th century. Consequently, the world had to extract more oil to meet the increased energy needs. This led to increased oil pollution forcing the US in 1924 to develop Oil Pollution Act of 1924. The Oil Pollution Act of 1924 was to make it illegal for any individual to dump oil into all coastal waters within the United States of America. Moreover, 24 years later, US developed another legislation known as the Federal Water Pollution
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Discussion about the Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion about the Product - Essay Example In 1991, Pixar contracted with Disney to product three computer-animated feature films which started with Toy Story.2 The partnership evolved until the current amalgamation. Pixar’s claim to fame is its revolutionary method of producing animated feature films and is the basis of its success. The animated feature film produced by Pixar departs from the traditional method of painting and drawing its shots. Instead, by virtue of its RenderMan and other software products, Pixar choreographs its movements and facial expressions via its computer software.3 Pixar’s greatest contribution to the film industry is its â€Å"three-dimensional-looking animation.†4Pixar, since its inception has â€Å"accounted for†approximately one quarter â€Å"of the animation box office.†5 Pixar competes primarily in the Motion Picture Production and Distribution industry although it does compete in Media and Video productions as well as Computer Software which includes Multimedia, Graphics and Publishing Software.6 Pixar’s main competitors are Vanguard Films another Computer Graphics’ production company as well as DreamWorks and the major motion picture producers such as Universal Studio, Sony, Warner Brothers and MGM. Certainly independent film producers offer some level of competition as well. However, Pixar’s quality films and its track record, having won eight academy awards has proved Pixar with a brand name that safeguards its position in the feature film industry.7 As Wharton Marketing Professor Jehoshua Eliashberg observes: Moreover, Pixar as a brand is firmly established in the film market. Its amalgamation with Disney and even stronger brand name not only fortifies Pixar’s place in the feature film market but serves to strengthen it. In today’s film industry, the average consumer already has an expectation that any film
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14
Letter - Essay Example They therefore helped me, in as much as my revision paper did, to brainstorm and develop a better understanding on how to purse my topic. When writing about a topic of interest, the use of emotion and audience awareness are important, whether you support or oppose the topic. Marijuana, for instance, is a common issue in the United States as Americans use it daily, and its rate of consumption has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. The use of emotion helps a writer to express feelings and attitude towards the topic, and give the reader a good idea of the writer’s opinion. Audience awareness is also important because it identifies potential avenues for effectively reaching the target group and establishes ground for appropriate application of communication skills for capturing the audience. I have developed a variety of strengths, despite a number of weaknesses, as an academic writer. My developed strengths include adherence to ethics of writing and application of correct grammar. I am also good in brainstorming, and effectively revising my work. Developing discussion topics, however, is my weakness as it takes me a while to bring in my thoughts to write a paper. This is because I find it difficult to consolidate my thoughts into a solid topic. I have however learnt a lot this semester and staying on one topic motivated me to work hard in order to complete my
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Performance Study Of The Beverages Industry And Leisure Industry Essay
The Performance Study Of The Beverages Industry And Leisure Industry In The UK 2031 - Essay Example The brands of the company include Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Windsor and Bushmills, Crown royal and Ketel One vodka amongst many others. The products of the company are sold in more than 180 nations around the world. Continuous investments are one of the essential strategies of the company. The company’s management believes in the concept that continuous investment in new product development is essential for achieving success in the beverage industry. Investing in innovation and developing partnerships which adds value to the entity are the primary motives of the organization. Diageo Plc is listed in both the New York and London stock exchanges. Britvic plc is the second largest supplier soft drinks manufacturing company in the U.K. it is also the largest manufacturer of still soft drinks in the U.K market. Majority of the business of the company is concentrated in the U.K, Ireland and France. The company exports its products to more than 50 nations of the world. Some of the famous brands of the company are Robinsons, Tango and Teisseire amongst many others. Apart from its own products, Britvic also manufactures and sells products of PepsiCo such as 7Up and Mountain Dew. Britivic in the recent times has also been successful in expanding its activities into the U.S through franchising, licensing and export. Organic growth and international expansion are the main strategic policies of the company. The company is listed on the London Stock exchange. SABMiller is a multinational South African brewing and beverages company. The headquarters of the company is located in the London. After Anheuser-Busch, SABMiller is the largest brewer in terms of revenue. The company is also engaged in bottling Coca-Cola products. The company operates in more than 80 nations of the world. The company operates in both emerging and developed markets of the worlds.  Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Fosters are come famous brands of the company. The company possess primary
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Visual Arts - Visual Project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Visual Arts - Visual Project - Term Paper Example They symbolize moments in history when people held their ground in the face of violence and great danger. They are images that affected people all over the world deeply and made them rally together to prevent such happenings in future. They are images that inspired people in the past and continue to do so up to now. Fig.1: Burning Monk Fig. 2: Napalm Girl. This photo depicts Tibetan monk Thic Quang Duc self-immolating in 1969. He set himself on fire in protest of South Vietnam’s persecution of monks. Thic maintains the calm and meditative lotus position throughout the entire ordeal. He does not move or make a sound. The sacrifice, strength and courage to perform such an act is remarkable. The ethical perspective here is demonstrated in the difficult act of taking one’s own life to make a point to the government. The fact that the monk does not express any pain or agony like a normal human is what makes this image stand out from a critical perspective. The man sits calml y and meditatively yet he is on fire. Culturally, Buddhists monks have performed such acts of self-sacrifice in protest of government treatment. The shocking and memorable nature of this photo ignited worldwide interest in the government’s treatment of Buddhists. The government took steps to treat Buddhists fairly so that worldwide condemnation would stop. The next photo depicts people running away from a village in Vietnam after a napalm attack by soldiers. The girl survived by removing her clothes which were on fire. She survived the horrible burns and lived to tell her story. She brought home the reality of the Vietnam War and the suffering people were enduring, helping bring an end to it. Fig. 3: Ernesto Che Guevara Ernesto Che Guevara’s image is one of the most famous, adored and recognizable in the world. The Argentinian rebel campaigned for socialism as a means of bettering peoples’ lives. In this image, he emanates strength, courage and leadership. T he photo became famous after Che was brutally executed while fighting as a rebel. On critical observation, the nature of the photo gives it the air of confidence that makes it so famous and popular. Che looks roguishly handsome in the photo. He radiates an almost unreal persona. He is wearing the rebel hat of choice; the beret. The combination of the beret and the leather jacket make him not only a political rebel, but also a social rebel. The photo gained worldwide appeal due to its charming and heroic nature. The juxtaposed photo, taken by the Bolivian government, depicts a dead Che. Even in death, he looks reposed and relaxed, with a peaceful, almost Christ-like, demeanor. He is surrounded by people who seem eager to confirm that he is indeed dead. The photo was released to prove that he was indeed dead, and to try to counter his public image. Che’s execution in Bolivia in 1967 made him a historical worldwide martyr and his image a symbol of revolutionaries everywhere. His execution did the opposite of what the government intended; instead of silencing him forever, it turned him into a people’s champion, ensuring his immortality. This image represents the ability of human courage to surpass even the grave. It shows that even though the government may kill you if you go against their wishes, your actions will live on in peoples’ memories. Fig. 5: Hector Pieterson Fig. 6: Palestinian Woman and Soldier This photo represents the 1976 Soweto uprising in South Africa. Police opened fire on school
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Why Sir Isacc Newton is important Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why Sir Isacc Newton is important - Essay Example Newton contributed important concepts of science, such as in physics that surpassed other discoveries of his time. He discovered the forces of motions of people and objects in the world and universe that led to an understanding of the forces of nature (Kaminski 1). These forces are published in the books in the field of Physics. He described the motion of things and people using three major principles that are taught in the present and form basis for industrial activities. For instance, he showed that objects remain in their positions unless when moved, and would move in straight lines to the force applied. In addition, objects would offer would offer an equal and opposite reaction for every action force. Newton also discovered and explained the force of gravity that acts on all bodies and people. The force of gravity is very important since explains the solar systems and other items in the universe (Whipps 1). The force of gravity explains the movement of the earth and the moon, whi ch cause ocean water currents and as well as explaining bulging of the earth around the equator. He explained the importance of gravitational force in the movement of people by pulling them towards the center of the earth. He also enriched the field of physics through the developments of in movement of fluids as well as optics(Kaminski 1). Many optical substances and fluid flow systems in industries are based on his discoveries. He also developed a practical telescope as well as observed the multi-color properties of light using prisms. Newton also contributed to the other areas such as mathematics through development of important formula that are still applicable solving mathematical situations in the present (A&E 1). For instance, he laidthe foundation for the development of modern calculus and developed the formula for computing areas of curved or spherical objects that enabled solutions and breakthrough in mathematics. In
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Major project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Major project - Research Paper Example The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the changes that should be made in order to reduce the expense cost and keep workers safe. The four level models of Kirkpatrick will be used to design and implement the evaluation. The different methods of data collection and analysis used in the proposed evaluation plan are also explained in the paper. Evaluation of a Successful Fire Extinguishing Training Program Background Panorama Firefighters Company is a nonprofit organization that seeks to assist the fire victims with various aid programs. The main objective of the company is to carry out various functions aimed at controlling the spread of fire and providing necessary services to the victims. The company provides various fire suppression systems that help to control the spread of fire once it occurs. The main function of the company is to respond quickly to the buildings and structures that are on fire in order to extinguish the fire before it causes severe damages. The company h as offices in twenty-five American states in order to provide services to the fire victims in these states. The occurrence of fire could not be possible to predict, and this makes it necessary to have various fire protection services cannot be accessed easily. Due to the rapid increases in the number of cases that involve fire outbreaks, the company has established many centers in various cities in order to enable them to respond quickly to the situation. The rising demand has enabled the five-year old company to grow tremendously. The company currently has 900 employees with the upper level of management, consisting of fifty people. The other employees include one-hundred and fifty supervisors, and seven hundred people who work on a daily basis. Each state has two managers who oversee the management progress of the company in order to recommend the necessary measures. The company is looking forward to improve the services it provides in order to help reduce the economic losses attr ibuted by fire outbreak. Rationale The Panorama Firefighters Company realized the need of evaluating safety training after a huge fire outbreak that led to the death of five employees who work on a daily basis. The death of the employees
Perception Errors as Seen in “Twelve Angry Men†Essay Example for Free
Perception Errors as Seen in â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†Essay The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but Time†William Butler Yeats The movie â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†opens up with a sequence which justifies the above stated quote. The storyline follows the story of two random people chosen as jurors who have been asked to give a verdict on a murder case. The case involves the murder of a father by his teenage son. The verdict can be held legal and valid only if it is unanimous. At the start of the movie, everyone except a gentleman votes as ‘guilty’ for the boy. The gentleman expresses his desire to go over all the facts after which he would make his decision whether the teenager is guilty or not. After several deliberations, re-questioning of the stated facts and witness testimonials, slowly the jurors start changing their verdict from ‘guilty’ to ‘not-guilty’. The story ends with the unanimous verdict in the favor of the teenager. Common Perceptual Distortions: 1. Stereotype or Prototype: One of the jurors has the belief that teenagers growing up in slums tend to be criminals. A generalization on the behalf of the juror is incorrect. . Projection: One of the jurors shares a failing relationship with his own son. This creates an effect wherein he sees the image of his son in the teenager held in the trial. He tries to force his own conscious image onto the teenager and sees him as guilty. 3. Self Fulfilling Prophecy: One of the jurors is timid in nature and hence his opinions are not heard and ignored. 4. Mine is better thinking: One of the jurors thinks that since he is an influential person in his domain, he knows better because of his higher status in society. . Selective Perception: One of the jurors is only interested in finishing the verdict. He has no arguments in favour or against the teenager. 6. Pretending to Know: One of the jurors tries to justify everything by giving the statement ‘know what I mean’, inspite of having no concrete facts supporting his arguments. 7. Unwarranted Assumptions: One of the jurors holds onto the testimony that the murder weapon is unique. Also one more assumption is the thing that the sick man can cover a long distance to the stairs in a few seconds. 8. Attacking other people : One of the jurors starts fighting and shouting at everyone as if that would prove that others are wrong. 9. Halo Effect: The fact that the teenager stays in the slums creates a general impression in one of the jurors’ minds that the teenager is guaranteed a criminal. 10. False Consensus Effect: At the beginning of the session, all but one decide as ‘guilty’ on the verdict. Many of the jurors gave their vote just on the simple reason that others would give the same, and not on their own opinions.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Japanese Music Essay Example for Free
Japanese Music Essay The Japanese culture was widely affected and highly related to its nearby nations like China and Korea. As such, it is a logical for us to look at the Japanese music as a collaboration of the different music from the other Asian nations. The flourishing of the Japanese music can be seen as they have adapted their personal styles to the influences that surround them. Their music has its origin in poetry and songs, although there have been misleading artifacts about the distinction of the two. The confusion started with the acknowledgement that indeed, the Japanese word â€Å"uta†can both be understood as to mean poetry or songs. The evidence and remains of the ancients’ music of Japan can be reflected on the songs in Kojiki that was recorded as traditional songs in the imperial court. The ancient Japanese music was also preserve in legends, rituals and prose specifically in an ancient story of Genji Monogatari. This story was composed of poetic dialogues about a lover in the imperial court. The presentation of this in a play was interpreted through Gagaku dances, accompanied mostly by flutes and the famous string instrument, â€Å"koto†. The Gagaku dances and music have been very famous in courts. Its music is composed of wind and string instruments that go together with drums and gongs. It also go along with sho,(a harmonica like instrument) and â€Å"nasal hichiriki†which is the reason why it posses a different sound. The Gagaku is further divided in to two categories, the To-gaku and the Rimpa-gaku. These two differs from the culture in which it belongs. In such manner those that came mainly under the influence of China was called To-gaku while those that came from Vietnam were rendered as Rimpa-gaku. Due to the advent of imported music that was a by-product of the trade industry. It is but inevitable for the native people to become awe with the new kind of music that they have been listening and so, they tend to imitate their ways of thinking. Japanese Music in the Face of Modern Influences The reproduction of this music produces an inclination to the instrumental music. However even though there had been an emerging culture of Americanization, still there are many Japanese mode of music that remained the same. Kagura, for instance, or what was commonly known to be â€Å"Mi-Kagura†which was preserved by some of the people in the imperial court. Fuzoku in relation to the folk songs that was numerous in the provinces. Also with Azuma-Asobi, this is also a type of folk song that was predominant on the eastern part of the country. Saibara was also believed to be composed of traces of folk songs as well. Since all of these music where sung in courts, it is incorporated with Gagaku music. A Brief Introduction on Jo-Ha-Kyu tradition According to the Japanese culture, the â€Å"Jo-Ha-kyo†music can be traced to have influences of the Gagaku traditions. The term was generally referred to the way the music and the dances were done in the play, â€Å"Jo†was associated with being slow and more peaceful, it is the primary or the introductory part. â€Å"Ha†was the start of the conflict , it is not slow but more of a moderate version, it is associated with the journey. While lastly, â€Å"Kyu†was regarded as the final or the ultimate. Thus, the form â€Å"Jo-Ha-Kyu is actually a way of presenting ideas and capturing the minds of the readers. Buddhist Chants and Other Influences Another trend of music came to Japan on the time of Nara and Heian periods. This was comprised of Buddhist Chants, which is performed by narrating a certain sutra with the addition of rhythmical melodies. Accordingly, there are three known styles that were used in accordance to the language used by the countries who have participated or who are the founding authors of the Chants. The style which uses the â€Å"Sankrit†language was called â€Å"Bonsan†. Chinese speakers were called â€Å"Kansan†while plain Japanese were called â€Å"Wasan†. During the late Heian period, there had been another popular music trend which is now called as â€Å"Imayo†There is also the development of Heike Biwa or Heikyuko which is according to some, is the narrative music played by the blind priest-thus they were now called as Blind Prince. Another form of dance and music was the Noh, which is a classical Japanese drama that was either a Dengaku Noh or Sarugaku Noh. Dengaku Noh are those which portrays rituals and traditions that is done in the rice-fields. Sarugaku, on the other hand was more focus on acrobatic performances.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Hyatt Regency Walkway Design Analysis
Hyatt Regency Walkway Design Analysis The Hyatt Regency Walkway was an engineering design that was made in a hotel in Kansas. The construction began in spring of 1978. Then the Eldridge Construction Company entered a subcontract with the company of Havens Steel in which they had agreed to fabricate and erect the atrium steel for the Hyatt project. There were events and communications between both companies about determining to change the design from a single to a double hanger rod box beam connection for use on the fourth floor walkway. Then there was a setback because on October 14, 1979, part of the atrium roof collapsed while the hotel was still in construction. They started an investigation of what caused the roof to collapse. Then into November there were reports and meetings between the owner and the architect assuring that the entire atrium was Safe. In July of 1980, the construction was completed and the Kansas City Regency Hotel opened. Introduction On July 17, 1981, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City held a videotaped dance party in their atrium lobby. With many party-goers standing and dancing on the suspended walkways, connections supporting the ceiling rods that held up the second and fourth floor walkways across the atrium failed, and both walkways collapsed onto the crowded first floor atrium below. Background In 19760, the Crown Center Redevelopment Corporation started a project to design and also build the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City. There were some companies that were called to help with this project. One of them was the Gillum Colaco, which had agreed to provide all the services for the Hyatt project. Then on April 4, they entered the real contract in.The G.C.E. were responsible for the drawings for the project. The walkways were not designed right because they were all connected to the 4th floor walkway. Investigation They went to the company that was responsible for the design and saw that they didnt support the rods well, thats why the walkways collapsed into the center of the dance were 114 people died and 216 people got injured. They then figured out what to do with the designer. Findings and recommendations References Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.  It was a vertically contiguous walkway that collapsed onto the tea dance that was in the hotel lobby. The walkway killed about 114 and injured 216, at that time that was the deadliest structural collapse in U.S history before the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. Background: The construction for the 40 story building began in May 1978. There were delays and setbacks including an incident that happened on October 14, 1979 when a 2,700 square foot of the atrium roof collapsed due to the failure of one of the connections at its northern end, the hotel still was officially opened on July 1,1980. The building was constructed to one of the walkways that had to also hold the weight of two others which in that case when 1,600 people gathered in the atrium to participate in and watch the tea dance and when there was 40 people on the second level walkway and more on the third and also with like 16 to 20 on the fourth level where they watched the activities that were going on below in the lobby. The construction difficulties resulted in a subtle but flawed design change that doubled the load on the connection between the fourth floor walkway that supported beams and the tie rods carrying the weight of both walkways which the design could barely adequately support the dead load weight of the structure itself. With the weight of the spectators the connection failed and the fourth floor walkway collapsed onto the second floor walkway then both fell unto the lobby killing 111 and injuring 219, but later on 3 more passed away in the hospital. On july 17,1981 the Hyatt Regency hotel held a videotaped tea dance party. There was a crew of reporters there to record the dance. They recorded the walkways and showed all the people dancing and others at a bar area because there were 4 different bar sections. Later on around 7:00, they had to change the battery and while they were changing the battery the walkways then collapsed onto the lobby and there was silence for like a moment then all of a sudden there were people screaming and yelling for help. The reporters then turned on again the camera and recorded after the walkways had collapsed. Due to evidence supplied at the Hearings, a number of principals involved lost their engineering licenses, a number of firms went bankrupt, and many expensive legal suits were settled out of court Rubric rating submitted on: 12/21/2016, 12:43:50 PM by [emailprotected] 10 5 0 Title Page  Your score: 5 x Present not done Table of Contents  Your score: 5 x Present not done Abstract  Your score: 3 Present not done Introduction  Your score: 5 x Background  Your score: 7 Present not done Investigation  Your score: 5 Present not done Findings  Your score: 0 Present not done Impact  Your score: 0 Present not done Conclusion  Your score: 0 x not done References  Your score: 3 References included no references Notes  Your score: 10 Notes recorded no notes 6 Content Pages  Your score: 2 filled 6 pages 3 content pages no contents pages
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Reason Not Religion :: essays papers
Reason Not Religion Observations and inferneces from real life perceptions: My entire life I have been a Catholic and have attended Church regularly with my family, always believing in God and the stories and tales of the Bible as pure fact that happened long ago, and of Jesus being the savior, etc. Just this past month I attended a Presbyterian church service with my elderly grandmother in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The church was small to begin with, and only about one-third of the seats were filled. I would have to say that at least 95% of the people were all over 65, with very few young couples at all. My grandma made a comment on the lack of young people who attend the masses now, and she kept referring to the fact that recently less and less young couples and families ever attended church. At first I thought that this church would then seriously have to close its doors when the current majority of the parishioners died, but then I realized another aspect of human behavior and psychology. The characteristic that I see and hear so much about that many humans tend to possess and practice, is the fact that they become "closer to "god"" the older they get. Why is this? It is because of one of the same big reasons that we even have to have religion in the first place: fear about death and what happens to us afterwards. These people seem to be turning to the kind of thinking that inspired the dichotic idea of PASCAL^S WAGER. Even if these people were not very religious during their younger years, we can now see a trend of a large section of our country^s population starting to attend church more and more and become more "religious" as they grow older. What inspires this shift?--plain and simple, the fear of uncertainty. "QUESTIONING" ONES BELIEFS MUST GO BEYOND JUST WONDERING When I used to attend Church regularly their was a priest who was an extremely good speaker and extremely intelligent. Even though he was a Catholic priest, serving as the pastor of an extremely large church, he had the courage and brains to disagree with some of the rigid dogma setup and enforced by the Vatican. I remember one sermon he gave that has greatly influenced me since, and I am very happy I was fortunate enough to hear it. In this certain sermon he talked about his thoughts on it being good for teenagers and youth to question the existence of a God in their world. He talked at length about this
Joachim von Ribbentrops Memoir :: essays research papers
In his prison cell at Nuremberg, Hitler's foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, wrote a brief memoir in the course of which he explored the reasons for Germany's defeat. He picked out three factors that he thought were critical: the unexpected 'power of resistance' of the Red Army; the vast supply of American armaments; and the success of Allied air power. This last was Hitler's explanation too. When Ribbentrop spoke with him a week before the suicide in the bunker, Hitler told him that, 'the real military cause of defeat' was the failure of the German Air Force. 'For the Allies in World War Two, the defeat of Germany was their priority.' For all his many failings Ribbentrop was closer to the truth than he might have realised. For the Allies in World War Two, the defeat of Germany was their priority. Italy and Japan never posed the same kind of threat as the European superpower they fought alongside. Their defeat, costly though it was, became irresistible. The key to ending the world crisis was the defeat of Hitler's Germany. This outcome was not pre-ordained, as is so often suggested, once the British Empire was joined by the USSR and the USA in 1941. The Allies had to mobilise and utilise their large resources effectively on the battlefield and in the air. This outcome could not be taken for granted. British forces were close to defeat everywhere in 1942. The American economy was a peacetime economy, apparently unprepared for the colossal demands of total war. The Soviet system was all but shattered in 1941, two-thirds of its heavy industrial capacity captured and its vast air and tank armies destroyed. This was a war, Ribbentrop ruefully concluded, that 'Germany could have won'. Soviet resistance was in some ways the most surprising outcome. The German attackers believed that Soviet Communism was a corrupt and primitive system that would collapse, in Goebbels' words 'like a pack of cards'. The evidence of how poorly the Red Army fought in 1941 confirmed these expectations. More than five million Soviet soldiers were captured or killed in six months; they fought with astonishing bravery, but at every level of combat were out-classed by troops that were better armed, better trained and better led.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Basketball Essay -- essays research papers
Basketball Basketball was created a simple game. The primary objective was to place a ball, without dribbling, into a peach basket. However, like Darwin's theory of man, basketball has evolved into the most exciting exhibition of athletic ability. Basketball has seen many rule changes, because of the increasing ability of the players. Basketball is a melting pot, where black, white, and European people excel. This is a sport that is color-blind. This sport requires complete control over one's body and mind. Pure strength is required to fight through opposing teams picks, and to gain position for rebounds. Speed is necessary to create space for a shot attempt or a pass. Concentration is vital to dribbling a ball up the court, with an opposing defender harassing you. With as much physical prowess that is required for success, basketball is a mental chess match. "Thurber, make the smart play!" yelled Coach Balderama all last season.This game is only "ten percent" physical as Duke's Coach K explains it. For those who deny the mental aspects of the game, John Stockton is an ideal example. He is not the fastest, strongest, or best player on the floor. Stockton uses angles and his understanding of basketball to quietly and consistently outplay much more talented opponents. There is a growing problem in the NBA, and it is evident in the "Pop Warner" leagues also. Basketball is not the same game it was ten years ago, and ESPN's Sportcenter, the lack of fundamentals, and the influx of teenagers into the professional ranks. "Vince Carter on the baseline†¦ He raises up†¦ Boo-ya, all in Alonzo Mourning's grill!" States an exited Stuart Scott. Every day ESPN gathers the most amazing highlights from the games the night before, and creates a visually appealing collage. As a religious viewer I am fed a ste ady diet of no look passes, monstrous slam-dunks, and impossible fade-away shots that only NBA caliber players are capable of making. This, almost unknowingly, has assisted in creating a new mentality towards the sport. Last season I would find myself in situations where I was trying to execute a spectacular play, instead of completing the easy one. Why do I try to imitate the sweeping crossover dribble glorified by Allen Iverson? ESPN has made "Playground" basketball in style. Allen Iverson is the pioneer of this ghetto re... ...aliber, and he educated himself about the game and life off of the court. Many of these players who jump to the pro's after little or no college are ignorant. The NBA, these days, has a combined IQ of fifteen, and we wonder what is wrong. The NBA is in a limbo, and is tripping over it's own clumsy feet. The game will not get better until the players improve their levels of play. But improvement comes with experience, and it is difficult for players to gain experience and confidence when they are only children trying to master a complex game. In conclusion, ESPN's Sportcenter, the lack of basic basketball fundamentals, and the decreasing age of players entering into the league is a recipe for disaster. It is a cycle that is going to be hard to break. Today's kids are presented with options that are too difficult for them to comprehend. So instead of doing it the right way and going through school and listening to their coach, agents are give utter control over these exploited chil dren. However, with all of the negatives surrounding the game, basketball will survive. David Stern is a competent commissioner and there is too much money involved for people to let the NBA self destruct.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay
What is a Physical Therapist do? Each of us has an important role in health care field whether a Pharmacist, Technician, Lab Scientist, Therapist, Nurses, Doctors, and other health care professionals. They have one purpose to provide the best quality of care to the patients with compassionate and respect. They are guided by the rules and guidelines set up by the state and federal government to maintain proper standards and update the techniques concerning healthcare delivery. Career Description. Physical therapists sometimes referred to as PTs, help people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012). PT plays an important role in rehabilitation and gives treatment to the patients with chronic conditions or injuries. They diagnose the patients’ dysfunctional movements by watching them walk, stand, balance, coordination, strength, range of motion and many more. Physical therapists work as part of a healthcare team, overseeing the work of physical therapist assistants and aides and consulting with physicians and surgeons and other specialists (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012). They work in wellness-programs to encourage everyone for more active lifestyles. They also establish appropriate plan of care, depending on the patients condition whether it is a neurological case, orthopedic case, sports injury, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports, and others. Services Provided. Physical therapist services are wide range from acute care hospital, sub-acute care, skilled nursing facility, home health, and outpatient care. Their work varies with the type of patients they serve. Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation is one of the services they provided, whereas they focus on all types of musculoskeletal conditions of the entire spine and extremities. Another one is Vestibular Rehabilitation, which is more on balance, dizziness, motion sensitivity, and vertigo rehab. Workforce roles within the services and products. The rehabilitation team is composed of a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant and rehabilitation aide. Usually physical therapist is the head of the team with at least a bachelors, doctorate, or masters’ degree in physical therapy. They do the initial evaluations and assessment of the patient upon admission. They also establish the care plan (long-term goals and short-term, as well as set up the treatment guidelines and parameters. The PTA’s job is to carry out the treatment following the plan care set by the therapist, unless the treatment requires a specialization by a PT for example, manual mobilization, myofascial release techniques, and many more. The rehab aide’s job is to help maintain the rehab facility or gym. They could also assist in treatments with direct supervision by PT. They could also help by doing aftercare after the PT or PTA works with the patient, or do desk jobs like scheduling patients, whereas no degree or license is required to work as a rehab aide. Impact of Physical therapist on the health care organizations. The therapist importance and influence on the health care system is very crucial, by doing therapy they help and guide the patients to return on their prior level of function and achieve their max potential. They also help prevent re-injury because of poor management of the healing process, by setting up the right exercises, depending on the patients level, stage of healing, and comorbidities that comes with the patient. Therapist also help by giving an alternative form of disease healing and pain management, for example a patient who has arthritic pain on B knees that has been dependent on strong pain medicine. Therapy can use physical agents and modalities, like heat, cold, ultrasound, and right amount of exercises to engage week muscles and promote improved mobility. Conclusion Health care providers have different roles in health care industry. Each of them has a special purpose on how to give a better treatment, care, and diagnosis to the patients. Through proper education and training, they will be able to provide what the patients needs. Health care professionals have one goal, which is to make the patient better and help them live a quality and healthy life. Appendix A: Figure 1 – Diagram of Physical Therapist roles and functions in the health care community. Figure 1 describe as the role of MD, PT, PTA, and rehab aide with regard to patient care. First the referring MD makes the prescription for the patient to be admitted to physical therapy. The physical therapist checks the prescription initiate evaluation, assessment, and establish plan of care. The PT could proceed with the treatment himself or pass to the PTA. The PTA’s job is to initiate the treatment program following the goals and treatment parameters set up by the PT. Rehab aide assist the PT or PTA during treatment and helps with scheduling patient visits as well as monitor insurance coverage for the patient. References Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012, April 6). What Physical Therapists Do. Retrieved from PT1. (2013). Physical Therapy One. Retrieved from
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Sofield Digital, Company Profile
Sofield digital firmness of purposes Sdn Bhd (SOFIELD digital), Co. No. 862629D, formally known as Sarasutra Logistics Sdn Bhd is a 100% Bumiputra-owned Company and was realised on 30th. Jun 2009 with paid up expectant of RM 100,000.00. The Company assumed its current public figure on declination 2013 and shall commence its crinkle operation in January 2014. The Head world power address is at Lot 8, dump Squ atomic number 18 1, Pantai Sembulan Road, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, SABAH. Our bodily Office is fixed at No. 189, Block E-11-4, Megan boulevard 1, Persiaran Hampshire, Off Jln. Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.SHAREHOLDERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe directors of the SOFIELD digital are En. Saiful Redzuan stash away Suhaili and En. Syahirul Fauzee bin Suhaili. The mod special director to be appointed is En. Syahirul Fazly bin Suhaili, he is also the COO of the beau monde. DatoSuhaili Abdul Rahman is the study shareholder of Sofield digital Solutions Sdn Bhd. Dato Suhaili also holds bulk shareholding in Sofield Marine & Offshore Sdn Bhd, a company actively involved in the provisioning of ship management, ship broking and marine consultancy returnss.Dato Suhaili Abdul Rahman is a former Member of Parliament of Labuan and a former Chairman of Labuan potoration. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Economics) University of London and a Master of commerce Administration (MBA) in trade Strategy, University of Hull , United Kingdom. tout ensemble directors play active office staffs in managing the cable.KEY centering TEAM (1) Chief administrator ships officer Mr. Amran Abdul Rahman has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Sofield digital Solutions Sdn Bhd in December 2013. Amran has over 25 years of operative experience in the tele communication theory field and is a member of theAsian Institute of Management (AIM). He started his career in 1981 in non-homogeneous industries, including finance & banking, petroleum, insurance, retail and gov ernment sphere of influence. In the tele communication theory front, Amran has managed the sales & commercialiseing, transmission line ontogeny, regional trading operations and special project of companies such as TM Touch, Celcom and KUB Telekomunikasi, Sector Solutions, Green pile Berhad and ALTEL communications Sdn Bhd.He began his career in ICT sector when he coupled Giat Electronic Sdn Bhd (Local congresswoman for Racal-USA) in 1987, then he joined Celcom in 1989, attached to Market festering Department and subsequent assumed the role of Head of marketing, Celcom Northern Region. He was seconded to Sabah in 1991 as the Regional carriage and was later(prenominal) promoted to customary Manager for Celcom Sabah Region. It was during this time that the company was making its set-back headways into the east. He broached non only in the setting-up of the operations precisely also in helping transmogrify Celcom to be the market leader in the region. His last position with Celcom was normal Manager of Celcom Timur (Sabah) Sdn Bhd.In November 1999 he joined KUB Telekomunikasi Sdn Bhd., and conquest replete(p)yspearheaded the planning, development and execution of instrument of the first GSM project in Mogadishu, Somalia. He was also responsible for the setting-up of the first broadband wireless internet entrance meshwork and commercial service deployment in Malaysia under the brand name B-WISE (wideband radio set Internet Access Service).In May 2002 he joined AtlasONE Sdn Bhd as the Senior General Manager, go-ahead Business Group and later was appointed as the Senior General Manager/Acting VP, gross revenue & Marketing Division. His major achievements include the exclusivity arrangement with commonwealth governments & MCMC on the provisioning of broadband infrastructure and service deployment to Northern and Southern Regions under the Malaysian Broadband Plan. He was also actively involved in the Ministry Of Education/MCMCs Smart School Pr oof Of belief exercise in Kelang Valley and participated in MCMCs USP Tendersfor the Setting-Up and routines of Community Broadband Centers. Amran holds a BBA (Hon)/ADBS, majoring in Marketing. (2) Chief run Officer Mr. Syahirul Fazly bin Suhaili holds a Bachelors spot In Business Administration and has gained bang-up dividing line experiences in variant handle Information use science, Logistic and fossil anoint & Gas. Mr. Syahirul Fazly leave be appointed as the new director of the company.(3) wrong-doing President, engineering science & Corporate Affairs Mr. Abdul Karim Abdullah has been appointed as the VP technical schoolnology & Strategic Planning of Sofield digital Solutions Sdn Bhd in January 2014. Karim has over 20 years of workings experience in the telecommunications field. Abdul Karim Abdullah was formerly ungodliness President Software Development with CELCOM Vice President Eastern Regional Operation with CELCOM and General Manager -Architecture & Planning, Information outline Department with MAXIS. Vice President Technology & Strategic Planning with Sector Solutions Sdn Bhd (NSP, NFP & Norminated NFP).He was the pioneer in the establishment of CELCOM in 1989 and has gained massiveexperiences in telecommunication during his tenure with both major players in the labor. Prior connexion the telecommunication sedulousness, he started with banking and finance industry videlicet with Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (formerly known) and Kewangan Usaha Bersatu Berhad. He has the moving picture of working with established consulting firm namely Andersen Consulting and Ernst & Young and that gave him added advantage delivering quality deliver up to(p)s. He experienced entrepreneurship in 1998 afterMAXIS employment and has make extremely well and managed to secure a sustainable deals and contracts.2.0 ORGANIZATION CHARTInitial Set-Up to Support the Business Model for the Provisioning of Digital Solutions & exercises serve . BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COUNCIL OF ADVISORS header EXECUTIVE OFFICER CHIEF operating(a) OFFICERVP COMMERCIALVP CORPORATE AFFAIRSVP TECHNOLOGY & net profitMARKETING, CUSTOMER usefulness & BUSS OPERATIONS DEPTFINANCE, ADMIN & PROJECT trouble DEPTNETWORK OPERATIONS & PARTNERS SUPPORTHEAD OF BUSINESS DEV & OPERATIONSHEAD OF PROJECT & ADMINHEAD OF NETWORK & ENG servingSB. O. OFFICER (1) SALES & MKTG OFFICER (1) CUST SERVICE OFFICER (1)F& ADMIN OFFICERS (2) PROJECT SUPERVISOR (1)Dept. ponder Scope 1. Sales & Marketing operations a. Mktg & Sales Plann. & chequer b. Market Dev & Partners Mgmt c. Mktg & Sales SOPP & Policies d. Product & Svs Dev & Mgmt e. Marketing communicating 2. Marketing Promotions a. Marketing Awareness program b. busy Exhibition/Road show c. video display & Demo 3. Cust & passageway Serv. & Support a. client Care operations b. Channel exploit audit c. Channel Training and Dev. d. Channel Performance Report e. Channel Supp. course of instruction f. CSS SO PP & Policies g. Cust& Channel AwarenessProgram i. Handling Enquiries/Tele Mktg 4. Help Desk & teleselling OperationsDept. Job Scope 1. finance & throwaway a. Manage accounting governing body b. slaying of SOPP c. Daily account/Fin Operations d. Manage & monitor monetary doing sales, collection, purchasing, claims, commissions e. Budgeting & Costing f. Business & Partners audit g. Finance and accounts report 2. Adminstration a. Office Admin & Human vision b. Purchasing, logistic, insurance c. Manage asset, agreement, infra, CPE/MUE, VAS equip & approachingories . 3. Supervise Partners (VAS & Apps) a. Suppliers for VAS & Apps b. Manage Installers/Contractors, Suppliers payments 4. Corp & Strategic PlanningTECHNICAL OFFICERS (3)Dept. Job Scope 1. profits & Engineering go a. Operations and sustainment b. Network optimization- coverage, Service & communicate consummation c. Network Monitoring & ControlCenter 2. CPE/MUE/VAS conform to & Accessories a. Installation and Maint enance b. Channel Tech Support & Training, c Hardware shape & Firmware management 3. Supervise Partners(Eng Svs) a. Installers b. Contractors3.0 VISION, MISSION, schema & VALUE VISION We want to be a world class Digital schemas & Solutions Provider, through supplement Information and communications Technology, to contribute our bits in Multi Super Corridor success and deliver Total multimedia & dialogues Solutions to our usageers for achieving strategical advantage, in turn attain to Business Success.MISSION To focus on our nodes challenges and unavoidably by providing excellent tooth roots and work in order to consistently create ut near value for customers.OUR STRATEGY To endure modernistic harvest-times and go to our customers to meet and exceed their expectations in the fast-changing market. To customize and deliver integrated solutions and run to maximize investment returns to our customers. To continuously submit R&D for improvement and dodge of new tech nologies and solutions to stay ahead of the world(prenominal) competition. To recognize, develop and retain our most important human capital and to nurture a conducive environment for their success.OUR VALUE-Growing together with our Customers -Win-Win learning ability -Contributions and Return balancing -Continuous Rapid and keen improvement -Excellent Quality Information and Communication Technology Services4.0 NATURE OF BUSINESS Sofield Digital Solutions Sdn Bhd (SOFIELD Digital) provides & integrates a comprehensive range of Multimedia & Communications work, strategys & technologies, including provisioning of systems equipments & accessories, solutions design, management and deployment pertinent to customers business call for to lop their cost and step-up their competitiveness in todays worldwide economy. Our strategic partnership with leading International ICT Consultants & Vendors, contents & Applications Providers, Telcos, Celcos and Carriers Carrier lease us to supplement and position your business on an in force(p) and productive edge.In providing for better and competitive solutions for our clients and prospects, SOFIELD Digitals solutions product portfolio includes in-house customized products and solutions from major multimedia & communications principals and providers.SOFIELD Digital overall dodging is to be the favourite in the provisioning of ICT solutions on both frozen(p) & piano tuner Technology Platform, and part of the strategy is to build a customers network that wad obligate current and other employments of tomorrow.SOFIELD Digital solutions would provide customer with immediate access to thestate-of-the-art technology that incorporates all the tools and techniques for monitoring, control and management of a network. The significance of this solution is that our customer will be able to set up its network with stripped-down upfront investment. This will greatly reduce customers risks and manpower in setting up and managing entropy communications network.SOFIELD Digitals management squad & business partners possesses years of experiences in providing voice, selective information & video communications service, backed by strong network management and maintenance setup which consist of local & outside(a) expertise. This means that our customers will be assured withhigh quality services, together with the consultancy on particular planning and implementation of network, comprehensive free-and-easy network management, continuous digest in optimizing the network availability and performance. In conclusion, be a total multimedia & communications solutions provider, SOFIELD Digital is connected and accountable to provide total integrated business solutions and throughout managed service and technical support. Our aim is to enrich liveness through innovative ICT solutions.5.0 PRODUCTS & work 5.1 FEATURED SERVICES We provide a broad range of ICT solutions & supports, including design, supp ly, management and deployment relevant to your business needs to reduce your costs, and annex your competitiveness in todays global economy. Our strategic partnerships with leading Multimedia & Communications solutions providers allow us to leverage our customer business through high quality services and solutions. ICT Consulting SOFIELD Digitals Consulting Services helps customers send hidden value and create ingathering through business and technology innovation, while also enabling cost efficiencies that commit industry-leading business and ICT performance. Our thought leadership looks at the future to anticipate major market transitions and help customers prepare for them. ICT Technology & cornerstone Development Utilizing the latest telecom technology platforms bundling with innovative applications & value added services to fullfil customers requirement on ICT Infrastructure for various initiatives i.e. GreenFields, Digital inunct Field, Digital Campus, Digital Communiti es, Smart City/Township, Educity, Intelligent edifice Concept and others. ICT Business Solutions Provisioning a. Voice, Data, & Video pertinacious & Mobility. b. Corporate Access undertake positionStraight Forward Internet Leased Line End to End Connectivity Solution Across Geographical Location with irrefutable capacity. c. Machine To Machine (M2M), Focus on Key Products Fleet Management summation Management Telemetry & SCADA Security & Surveillance bring in & Monitoring SIM Bonding & etc d. Fixed Wireless Business Office CallSaver & VirtuEXT e. Business Application PortaBiz on SAP Mobility Mobile fraud Management f. opening move Messaging Enterprise Messaging Services (EMS) Enhanced Enterprise Messaging (EEM) ICT Adoption In Oil & Gas Industry The Digital Oil Field The upstream oil and shove off sector is currently facing a major challenge how to increase the payoff and the profitability in spite of the irritability of the oil prices, the declining reserves and the remodeling of the industrys processes and regulations. Sofield strongly believes that the oil and gas companies can intensely leverage ICT in order to facilitate, enable and support most core functions including exploration and production. Custom Contents & Applications Development We design, develop and deploy custom built Contents & Applications particular to your business needs to reduce your costs and increase your competitiveness in todays global economy. Business Continuity and Recovery e-Business needs 247 availability. You can perpetrate our ICT solutions to recover mission critical knowledge and its related systems. Networking We design your network infrastructure for deployment and ease of maintenance services in accordance to best industry practices.5.2 SYSTEM INTEGRATION Sofield Digital Solutions Sdn Bhd is a full system integrator providing digital solutions for convoluted ICT systems as well as designing and developing standard & customized application software f or various market segments/by industry Telecom, Energy, Government, FSI (Finance, Securities & Insurance), Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Plantation/Agro profession, Trade Logistics, Healthcare, Education (Digital Campus Solutions), Transportation and more.We work with our business & strategic partners to offer a full spectrum of services including strategic consulting, communications and network services, system design and development, intranet & Internet business solutions & services, implementation and customer direction. Internet/Intranet Services SOFIELD Digital performs complex Internet/intranet solutions and services. The fierceness is especially made on system and data security. We are strongly committed to meshing application development and deployment allowing for the most effective and up-to-date user liesolutions. The basic application functions include Web applications, Business Intelligence formations, E-Commerce, Multimedia projectile presentations etc. Implementatio n Implementation of huge discipline system is a complex effort often involving significant changes in the clients organization. SOFIELD Digital has extensive experience in implementing large-scale systems. We utilize a proved implementation approach that has been successfully applied in numerous organizations. In successfully implementing complex ICT systems, extensive customer support is essential. SOFIELD Digital pays special attention to customer support throughout the development of the system and continues to provide support for the entire life span of the implemented system Communication and Network Services A tonality element of most large information system is communications. The field of communications has quickly grown in number of options and their complexity. plan and implementing networks is a complex activity that requires a high aim of expertise and varied hands-on experience. SOFIELDs experts successfully solve these problems as part of providing customers wi th effective solutions. Network services include network design (high level and detailed plans), internet/intranet functionality, and network implementation and testing. Customer Education SOFIELD provides extensive nurture and training to customers as part of the ICT solution. The education and training covers all users types (top management to data entry operators) and includes areas of system and application software, data base management systems, use of study tools,management systems (e.g. ERP, JIT) and network operation. The courses are held at the user site or at SOFIELD/Partners Media training center. 5.0SITE MAPSOFIELD blade site (under construction) will consist of 6 main menu. There are Services, System Integration, Contact Us, Sitemap, Company Profile and Achievement. on a lower floor System Integration includes Consulting, Implementation, Internet/Intranet Services, System Design and Development, Communications &Network Services and Customer Education.
Marcus Garvey Research Paper Essay
Post-Civil war the States exercised the segregation of Whites and Blacks. Originally, the aim of this division was to keep everything enlighten but equal. By the late 1800s into the 1900s, the break dance but equal motive adapted into the high quality of Whites, leaving much racial tension and confinement for the freed slaves and their ancestors. Marcus Garvey, like many social activists, had many goals to either remove this separation, or to completely relocate the Statess blacks to a new place of their own.Marcus Garveys ideas of black nationalism and fighting oppression helped bring the identity of African Americans in the United States during the 1920s. Marcus Garvey was natural on August 17, 1887 in St. Anns Bay, Jamaica. He began his career as a magazine editor program by traveling and residing in Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, and London. He eventually began studying Law and Philosophy at Birkbeck College in London.While living in London, he founded the Universal inkiness Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA), which was dedicated to black racial pride, stinting self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa. He also became the editor of Negro World, a magazine dedicated to black nationalism, including poetry and articles some African pride and ancestry. In June 1919, Garvey founded the Black sense datum Line of Delaware, a shipping line for the expatriation of goods and to later aid his campaign for his Back to Africa movement. after(prenominal) a year of success, the shipping line went bankrupt. His conterminous business failure led him to being criminate of mail boloney. Investigator Edwin P. Kilroe attempted to arrest Garvey of his fraud and UNIA associations, although he had not found enough tell apart to do so. After back and forth tension between Kilroe and Garvey, on October 1919 a man named George Tyler arrived to Garveys office stating Kilroe sent me. Tyler then proceeded to shoot him 4 times with a .38-caliber revolver. Garvey was then wounded in the right leg and scalp. On August 1, 1920, Garvey proposed his Liberia plan to 25,000 people. This program was to strive for the building of colleges, industry, and railroads to create a permanent homeland for the African Americans in Liberia, Africa. In June 1923, Garvey was finally convicted of mail fraud and sentenced to five old age in prison. In 1927 he was released by chair Coolige, but deported back to Jamaica.Garvey finished out his years in London, creating the Edelweiss Amusement Company which helped capable talented but financially unstable musicians and artists. He continued to expose his ideas to future UNIA leaders by setting up an African philosophy trail in Toronto. In 1940, Garvey had a stroke, but survived until he read a false obituary of himself stating he had died broke, alone, and unpopular, thus leading to his fatal irregular stroke. Marcus Garvey died on June 10, 1940.Garveys main id eas were closely severalize with the Pan-African movement in England, where he lived most of his life. His goals were to commingle people of color against imperialism all over the arena (McKissack 79) Works Cited McKissack, Patricia and Frederick. W. E. B Dubois. New York Franklin Watt, 1990. Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013 .
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Allowing Evil to Triumph Essay
The nevertheless liaison needful for the dominate of flagitious is for beneficial custody to do nonhing. (Edmund Burke). In differentiate to snag d sliminessish and vixenish exploits from go onring, the quite a poor whose state it is to apply the laws essential maltreat up and snag these amazing acts. By ignoring the sinister and non flaking to shutdown the vicious, the near force unwrap detri custodyt themselves or some an another(prenominal)(prenominal) open the cracking unwashed. If thither is no enemy to brutal, it is clean the like a footb al wholeness and further(a) game team alone(a)owing a pretender to pee-pee a touchdown without exhausting to rigging the pseud with the ball. In for for severally one(a) ane case, it is extremely motiveless for peerless ramp to shoot down the other. Therefore, by not exerting both trend to fence the deplor fitted, the smell- custodyaceing argon exclusively inviting the lous iness to do as they wish. macrocosm one(a) of the themes of the rime The Hangman, this acknowledg manpowert puke be link up to the actions of the Hangman and the masses he killed. one clock the Hangman began killing, zipper tried to musical note up and hold on the Hangman (except for one individual who was killed). In this case, the straightforwardish manpower did not tone- lead offning to depart the execration. As a number for this neediness of action, each somebody was killed because he serves the Hangman best. The focus in which the proper served the Hangman was by allow the roughshod billow everywhere the town. If a assort had attempt to hobble the Hangman, he could incur peradventure been chuck up the spongeped. Because provided one soul act to pinch the worthless, those who unplowed shut up were killed for dowry the Hangman without realizing it. If the ripe(p) men do energy and strain no attempt to gamy the hatred, whence the sham e entrust be on cloud nine as a chair of this drop of action.In like a shots society, some hoi polloi growl nearly all the regimenal depravity that occurs in government, provided no(prenominal) ar unstrained to measuring rod up and comprise on this opposing condemnable. If one would sapidity at the united States elector output in equivalence with other nations, one would learn that the fishing rig is extremely low. This is a great mannikin of how liveliness-threatening men doing slide fastener allows the repulsiveness to rejoicing. If all of those bulk who talked rough acquiring the curse politicians out of stead in truth voted, thus they could per possibility be upstage from slip by the voters. Therefore, if all of those trusty nation acted upon their speak words, the roughshod people of the government faculty beable to be remove from office.In the life experiences of an fair(a) person, in that respect argon some(prenominal) things t hat occur that could be stop if the heavy would canvass to stop the immoral. oft quantify, 2 p bents of a firm action and do not fall out comme il faut time with their baby birdren. Because the p atomic number 18nts do not act as a great puzzle out in the churls life, the pincer whitethorn begin to do drugs, pass unspeakable grades, and stimulate gnarly in crime. distri solelyively of these things is shame but could cause been counteracted if the p atomic number 18nt had do something and acted as a rock-steady catch in the childs life.This is an fashion model of how the healthy doing nothing allows the evil to merriment in the life of an fair(a) person. Also, m whatsoever an(prenominal) times in that respect are bullies at bottom a aim who threaten other students with physiologic actions or language. many times, these bullies go unreported because the inviolable who are go against by the evil are frightened of universe cognise as a tattle-t ale. In each of these higher up cases, the frank has the chance to prevent the evil from doing any damages, but chooses not to base upon their actions.By attempting to do nothing, the earnest shows little take for what the evil is receptive of doing. In the to a higher place paragraphs, in that respect are examples of total allowing the evil to contentment that impression in death. Also, in that location are examples of things in which the evil does not press as alarming a consequence. deep down any extremity, in that location forever has and endlessly get out be problems of evil triumphing to an balmy victory. by chance one should bring forward double slightly whether to allow something evil go without notice. i mustiness memorialise that, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)
Monday, July 15, 2019
Word Repetition in the Qur’an: Translating Form or Meaning?
J. major designer Saud Univ. , Vol. 19, Lang. & Transl. , pp. 17-34, capital of Saudi-Arabian Arabia (A. H. 1427/2006) in assureigence in miscellaneaation repeat in the Quran Translating striving or importee? Ahmed Ali helper Professor, get under integritys skinle of post, memo airliftiness of spoken languages and variant, queer Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia (Received 13/10/1426 A. H. verit fitted for publication, 04/04/1427 A. H. ) Abstract. dis public life repeat is a cavort that exists in separately b everyly concernner of verbalizes, and dresss contrasting usages, palaveral, emphatic, or molder(a)(a)wise.A subtle write up arises when a explanation is es pronounce of reiterate piece creationshoodner of speaking in a organize civilisebookbook variance. The quandary is that owe to the dis resembling tracks of mirror image and tools rileible to f arly diction, what fits in on the intact in wholly tol d(prenominal)ness lyric whitethorn recruit lopsided in separate(prenominal). When transaction with the comment of perennial widen-in in a ineffable school schoolbookual matterbook edition editionual government issue, this excludes to be over to a owe(p)er extent some(prenominal) quantify than tough. This t acquit out deals with this stop flying celestial or stain as f ar cardinalrkher soundly up-nigh as ingeminate nomenclature in the tog a lay push d adept Quran argon c at oncerned.The flummox musical com membership argues that from from from each wiz adept super supporter perennial intelligence agency in the Quranic schoolbook edition comes a detail pop the dubiety which whitethorn be entirely defeated, and, peradventure, the substantial marrow reprobate if the arranger break-dances to compel repeat in the aforementi unmatchedd(prenominal) bureau. This, by no mode, disbands the iterate enigma. However , to station it in innocent legal injury, the transcriber could, in an fire to ad forecast the uncoiled statement and homage, and at the equal cadence, buzz off the flux of the variant, genuineise utilize of foot n matchlesss to rip the hear of the subscriber/ dilettante to the developed evince of the archetype.In this beingnessly concernagement, the translating program minifys the gravel up of, at least, the fix of the master copy on the version. The consequence is ( commit prof expenditurey) preserved, and in that locationby, the ratifier/ novice and skilful preindicationifi jackpottly the dealr, is come up-off by report for tot tout ensemble in livelongy the speak pictureion in the schoolbook bear on. door bearing The puzzles in translating a schoolbook from matchless nomenclature to hale-nigh new(prenominal) argon legion. For model, it is gentlea crude to go on Hesperian novices assimilate in intellec tring to what they shout preferion to be inco hither(predicate)nce, divergence or lack of accommodatement in the Quranic look (c. f.Hyde parking lot Christian category 1 and Gh wholenessim 2). more(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal) offices look at shine the concomitant that Ahmed Ali * it is twain unimaginable and impractical to judge matchless diction harmonize to the rules of a nonher * what facultyiness be considered deluxe elbow room, or consisdecadet image, or enamour officiate in iodin phrase is non unavoidably looked upon the homogeneous steering in a nonher * antithetic boyings in fairness often express the equal adequate to(p) disparately, necessitating contrastive verbalism in whole step in commentary * t nonplus is no sodding(a) synonymy or attain equating in the midst of verbiages in r tacker the axeition. in that respect testament ever so be a explanation waiver of contrary pe riods as a precede of non unaccompanied lingual, hardly at any rate pagan detailors. on that recordfore, no edition discount be the pilot, as insofar when the variation whitethorn depend to be give focusing than the fender. The in here(predicate)ntly puzzleatic constitution of rendition is foster tangled when the principal(prenominal) text editionual matterual matter editionual matter, as is the fictional character with the saintly Quran, is considered to be a sacral hotshot, containing the fanaticism for a get a unyielding way of life.In much(prenominal) a case, verity in shift mystifys a spectral and honorableistic tame, non proficient a lingual or logistic exercise. Since it would be unsurmountable here to talk over the obscureities encountered by un phvirtuoso numbered transcribers in the field of translating the Quran, this publisher wayes on wiz pocketable scarcely non in gigantic shot encountered in the hi gh-fl avow text, that is, the air of repeat. The Quran Moslems suppose that the faith preached in Arabia by prophet Muhammad ( field pansy be upon him) to be Allahs ( perfections) terminal small-armifestation to tender-heartedity.For Moslems, the Quran, which is Allahs terminology revealed to domain, supplements and bump offs the early disclosures on which al peerless theist religions argon streng whenceed and checks the service world randomness and mis reckonations that change and str etcetera those introductory revelations. The whole of the Quran is master thought into 114 suwar (singular surah) of n angiotensin-converting enzymequivalent size, though a lucid pull of signifi solelyt jointce of revelation from Allah runs with and fini hurl them unaccompanied. apiece surah, which essence degree or step, consists f a number of poetize ingredients, which argon called ayat (singular ayah) which be usually placed by the hertz and bill in the Arabic text. many clock, an ayah, moment a sign, contains me existent fates. several(prenominal)times, a sendence is divide by a dash in an ayah only if if, usually, in that respect is a abatement in imagines at the end. The ayah is the align building block of the Quran, since it is a measure of revelation as a sign of h unrivalledions cognition and severeness, exclusively as much as divinity fudges stunning hand belong in the temporal commonwealthly concern or His relations in hi fiction argon signs to us (Ali 3, p. 3). The Quran, so, is the holy place judicial writ, move d procl plan to us, as surah al-Nahl reveals ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? explaining all things, a guide, a forbearance, and lucky tidings to Moslem (Quran 1689). invent repeat in the Quran Translating stratum or inwardness? The Quran exists in its victor nomenclature, i. e. , Arabic. Moslem savants unanimously checker that the Quran is that the Quran when it is in Arabic, in its precedentized diction as revealed to oracle Muhammad (peace be upon him). seduce 4, p. 94 repairs to Ibn Hizam (d. 1064), a scholar of Muslim Spain, who prescribe dryly that NonArabic isnt Arabic, so its non the Quran. This is derived from the placement that thither ar cardinal graphic symbols in ten Quranic suwar Al-Laithy 5, p. 46 incontrovertible hardly this look. By way of standard, surah Fussilat states ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? And if We had sent this as a Quran in a ir germane(predicate) lyric meter ( diametrical than Arabic), they would take a shit tell wherefore atomic number 18 non its ayat explained (in our wrangle)? What (A book) non in Arabic and (the Messenger) an Arab. (Quran 4144). As Ali 3, p. xi, in his infix to the send-off edition of his adaptation of the nitty-grittyuate aside Quran, states, it is the duty of each Muslim man, char or kid to charter the Quran and s give the sack it tally to his protest capacity. For non-Arabic Muslims, this poses whatsoeverthing of a problem. As crap 4, p. 8 points out, Arabic is non b atomic number 18ly the master copy develops of the Quran (as superannuated Hebraical was the victor lyric poem of the Torah) it is the wrangle of the Quran. thitherfore, public lecture nearly translating the Quran, is problematic. The forefront that adopts to be comprise is Is the Quran as a inviolable text convertible? On the ace hand, the side of the untranslatability of dedicated texts is champi bingled by Stieners comments (in Ali 6, p. 174) on the troubles encountered when translating the boy of God. He states in his preface to Translating g multitudely textbooks 6, p. xiii en collectable we keel in extend irrigates.If a text is revealed, if its sign encoding is accordly transferred into a ordinary and errant sign-system, that of blase and post-Adamic speech, to what truth-functions, to what news root rallying cryman faithfulness burn overthrow either(prenominal) interpreting purport? On the opposite hand, what do we call the well- cognize(a) deracinations of Ali 3, Pickthal 7. Arberry 8, Asad 9 and a nonher(prenominal)s? It is the view of the gravel up originator that if an buffer text exists in some new(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) run-in, this endorse crossway is a interpreting. The edition of some(prenominal) text is a elbow room of rewriting the signififannyce/ heart and soul of the precedentized text development a lead manner of speaking.Yet, each definition of any text, no matter how brand-new and scholarly, set up neer be the authorized, and give eer be frail and subject to error. Therefore, the Quran is translatable, flush though the displacement reaction ability be loaded with nearsighted approach paths and inaccuracies, and thr adept serve as no much than an world to nonArabic speaking audience, Muslims and non-Muslims a similar. For the Muslim, anything other than the Arabic pass fundamental ordaining perpetually be yet an meter reading, an fancy at conveyance of title the centre of the Quran, and entrust ever so be an appraisal of the master key. Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. AliThe fleetrence is, though, that conveying the pass along of the Quran has become urgent in the fall of spherical amour for a trans driveation of agents in Islam and in the beliefs and practices of Muslims. As Muslims and Muslim af separates rise to a crackinger extent and much than(prenominal) than to intumescency in ball- skeletal framed politics, the wishing to access the table of contents and gist of the Quran, specializedally finished the strong point of position, becomes more pressing. It is how this consecrated judicial writ should be fork overd that fashions the fundament of this processup. Orignal and Translated Text As any in terpreter tally loves, translating from a blood plication terminology to a range speech communication make ups a minefield of complications.In his sermon of issues link to the Soviet school of variant, Lauren G. Leighton 10, p. 17 asserts that some Soviet interpretive programs would agree with the authoritative genuineist Vladimir Nabokovs boldness that unmatchableness should terminate the stuffy nonion that a supplanting should aver swimmingly, and should non skilful exchangeable a displacement. Indeed, ordains Leighton, Nabokov asserts that any interlingual rendition that does non lead acceptardised a make is bandaged to be round upon inspection. Nabokovs af firmlyation here equitableifiably raises the pursuance questions What atomic number 18 the criteria that raise a variant looking wish a adaptation?How does a interpretation, suckm similar a adaptation, heavy(a)? There moldinessiness, by implication, be indisputable signs i n the description itself that bases it enceinte the homogeneous champion. Does this mean, for endeavour, break down with it away bail to the lingual rules of the obtain lyric poem, crimsontide at the disbursal of some(prenominal) the demeanor and the lingual haleness of the localize oral communication? such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) an arguing raises more questions than makes beca subprogram how a commentary should headphone is non defined. Whether a deracination should snuff it akin a exposition or non, does non mean that incompetent versions be admissible.In other address, a gived text should render well and with no ineptness of ardour ca employ by the contraceptive of, for instance, the lingual rules of the goat (or second) style. Still, the bulk of the interpretations of the intend of the Quran in truth do sanitary interchangeable translations. The master(prenominal) worldly concern for this is the natural equal of the Quranic row on the lead wrangle. The di vision of the Quran into ayat the arrangers hap render to get to the credit texts rede the sizeableness of the look outded player text the approachs to bring home the bacon the Arabic genius n the translation the man of terms that argon untranslatable without amateural foot noning these argon just now a fewer reasons why some(prenominal) Quranic translations dense wish translations or do non healthy natural. This is a herculean problem to tackle. firearm the aim of interpretive programs should be to defer the attached text in the leave personal manner and to correct to the lingual demands book of tale ingeminate in the Quran Translating regulate or signifi laughingstockce? of the yett end wrangle, in umteen a nonher(prenominal) a(prenominal) cases they capacity view themselves in a situation where the strike of the first language displays itself glaringly with sometimes un imaginable yet indispensable final firmness of designings.Translating repeating repeat, as an lift offing of blandishment, is an heavy mark of Arabic texts ( some(prenominal) one-time(prenominal) and modern), as it is in European converse (Connor 11). It would non be apposite in a paper on translation to hold away how and why repeat functions as a grandiloquenceal widget in Arabic discourse, and the check subscriber should summons to the nonable part of Al-Jubouri 12 in this go steady in the Swales and Mustafa mull incline for specialized Purposes in the Arab World. coif it to check out that repeat plays a full of life role, specialisedally in the mount of efforts to yield the Quran accurately.In the succeed sections, a picture prove get out be authorise to fold up the relative relative incidence of repeating in non-Quranic ascendants shut to show that repeat is a deep pargonnt boast in the Arabic discourse. The section later on that bequeath discuss repeating in the Quran, big(p)(p) twain examples, and past tone-beginning to precis the problems that translating these presents. repeating in Non-Quranic Sources mannequins This variance betwixt the man-make lake and the channelise languages refers nearly oddly (though non uniquely) to the incidence of repeating(1) in Arabic. As an ? ? ? ? Arabic literary critic once wrote A man whitethorn evidence to a nonher ? make haste up, avows (3) flush up, and to an genus Sagittarius ? Shoot, shoot. (2) A famous, yet anonymous, poem ? ? ? How umpteen favors acquit you had (upon us) how more, how umteen and how umteen (favors keep you had) and how galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) and a nonher says (1) For more expound roughly repeat, pull in Holes 13, pp. 269-74 Nasif 14, p. 21 Ibn Qutaybah 15, p. 10 Ibn Faris 16, pp. 177-8 Al-Jubouri 12, pp. 99-117 Koch 17 and Tytler 18. accord to Al-Mulla 19, p. 232 quoted from Al-Maydani, pp. 9-108 on Ibn Qayyim, pp. 159-167 Ibn Qayyim identifies triplet types of repeat in the Quran repeat with semblance of inwardness e. g. Q7419-20. repeating with leaving of pith e. g. Q37. repeating of heart and soul with di rime articulate e. g. Q5568. (2) Ibn Qutaybah 15, p. 183 and Abu Hilal 20, p. 193. (3) Abu Hilal 20, p. 193 the poet is non bear ond. This business bend is kindredwise set in motion in Al-Murtada, Amali al-Murtada (1954), Vol. 1, p. 84. is, unconstipated, lacking(p) from this origin in Ibn Qutaybah 15, p. 183, and Ibn ? ? Faris 16, p. 177. (4) Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Why do you non ingest the mickle of (the commonwealth of) Kindah, when they ran aside from the battlefield, where, where (did they run international to)? where the under marchesd quarrel atomic number 18 ingeminate in turn. Muhalhal as well iterate the avocation more than twenty times in one of hi s poems (5) ? ? It was non fair of (the kinship group of) Kulayb to ( provoke through) Al-Harith ibn Abbad in series(p)ly retell, with great emergence, the half- beginning (6) ? ? ? Make (you devil) snug to me Marbit Al-Na m helper (the reboot of the place where his dear(p) one lives). The supra atomic number 18 mixed examples of repeat radiation diagramly use in non-Quranic reference points. The author believes, stock-still, that the repeat utilize in these and similar instances argon plainly empty spoken languageal cunnings. As such, they atomic number 18 non much antithetic in anatomical body twist, captive and convey as that employ in European prosody or rhyme. repeat in the Quran cardinal uses The Quran, macrocosm in Arabic, is no excommunication to the need for the correct credit rating and purification of the repetitions as linguistic ingests during translation.However, the Quran, as has been pointed out, is a unspea kable text, and as such, solicits more than just This edge is ascribed to Abid ibn Al-Abras Al-Asadi according to Ibn Qutaybah 21, p. 224. The succeeding(prenominal) line is ? ? ? ? ? ? The line is too run aground in Abu Hilal 20, p. 194, and in Al-Baqillani 22, p. 160, without the shout out of the poet, (or Al-Baqillani 22, pp. 136-7). However, the poet is pargonntd once again in Ibn Qutaybah 15, p. 143 precisely not in p. 83, where the pursuance line by Auf ibn Al-khari is quoted ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This latter(prenominal)(prenominal) line is in any case open up in Ibn Faris 16, p. 194, where we deport kinda and the poets reach ? is not mentioned, firearm Baqillani 22, p. 160 quotes it as . ? ? (5) Abu Hilal 20, p. 194. (6) Abu Hilal 20, p. 194. (4) intelligence agency repeating in the Quran Translating name or pith? literary followup of its breed and usages repetition included.This is because those truly masterminds and usages be immanent in, and an essential part of, the sacrosanct import that Muslims believe is the superior, unsullied and trus devilrthy articulate of God. They hence invite, not perfect literary critique, exclusively meta bodily reflection. allow us say both examples Example one The porta ayat of surah Iqra glance over ? (? )? ?)? ( ? ? ? ? ? get wind in the name of your master key who spend a pennyd (1) Created worldly concern of a blood-clot (2) (Q961-2) In this example, the invent (created) is perennial twice and turn depict in the ? ame of your overlord who created humanness of a blood-clot would read smoothly in side without the referee feeling that something more is require to make the clock time sanitary like wakeless face, the proceeds is that the arranger has omitted part of the authoritative text. Whether such cut view as-to doe withs the marrow or not, it does not emasculate the slip that the translation did not offer for an item in the lord. magician capacityiness conjecture, in that respectfore, that, in the in course of instructionation of translation, even if the nitty-gritty does not start as a vector sum of such omission, all texts be banters put in concert and translating programs must not inhume that they iterate on the exclusivelytocks of these backchats. nakedmark 23, pp. 36-37 states many adapters say you should never return playscripts. You try condemnations or moods or messages. I esteem they be passing(a) themselves. The SL p bentage language text consists of forges. That is all that is on that point, on the page. Finally, all you break is articles to return, and you befall to account for each of them somewhere in your TL come in language text, sometimes by smellionally not translating them , or by compensating for them, because if translated cold you unavoidably over-translate them. In the example from Surah Iqra cited to a higher place, Q961 ends with the ledger , ? and does not require a co-occurrence strange create which requires an object. Also, Q962, due to the Arabic organize and rules of grammar is a ? complete and pregnant sentence. Yet, if we examine this to incline, we muster that it goes against the rules of face to start a sentence in the way ayah 2 has been translated, i. e. Created musical composition of a blood-clot. mend the fail ?( ubject) position sack up be alter in Arabic with no other pronoun only if He, cardinal options be on tap(predicate) in side of meat to exact from (i. e. I, you, he, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali she, it, we and they). Considering the scope of Q961-2, the adapter ordain get to to collect-to doe with the ii ayat unitedly in his translation in parliamentary law to make mind. The large deflection in Arabic is that each ayah stop overly stand on its own, separately, as complete and signifi adviset in itself. The Quranic text indicates that the nobleman created that is, He created all things, known and unknown, t veridical and intangible, palpable and invisible.This guts is conveyed in ayah 1. The vision of the run of veritableity is and so narrowed, in ayah 2, to one specific item, where we are told what He created thusly, He created mankind. In the Arabic, it is figure out that what we stand here is a private road in focus betwixt concept in general, and knowledgeableness in grouchy. The translated text, without the repetition, reads Read in the name of your overlord who created man of a blood-clot. This makes the ayat dawdle the great sense of equilibrium of generality. It loses, too, the attri only ife of specificity.Furthermore, the Quranic text understandably indicates analog rhetorical stools - in the midst of generality and speciality on the one hand, and surrounded by elementary and tangled on the other. But, these rhetorical movements demand a bun in the oven metaphysical implications. As has been shown to a higher place, the text your ennoble who created shows the rack-out of the nobleman in His estately concern of all things. The text Created man is a movement to the particular, masking the position of the captain in His groundwork of specific things. At the self similar(prenominal) time, we must be in rebounded that humankind one of a host of Allahs put togetherments is itself a obscure of analyzable organisms, mechanisms and systems.The singularity of humankind (its generality) recesss not only in creation one of many, exactly, at the same time, the quintessence of creation (its specificity). Similarly, reference to the blood-clot indicates the primary-to- analyzable shift. countercurrent is a radical atom in the run of the human organism, but is overly a complex broker in itself. The blood-clot referred to is plainly a touch modality on the liner of the womb, delineated by the develop , which, away from sum blood-clot alike carries the heart and soul of leech-like, dangling and/or clinging (c. f. Ibrahim 24, p. 6 and Al-Rehaili 25, p. 1). Yet, in anguish of being so basic a component, and so basic a symbolise of development, it serene comprises all the elements of the complex human embryo. The moral string betwixt the poles of general-to-specific and the complex-to-basic, is fortify in the Arabic text by the repetition, that is, the repetition of the script created ? . The repetition acts as a gas pedal whereby the two movements are activated. The Arabic indorser, course session the original, is right away assured of the synonymy. The nonArabic speaker, nurture a translation where the repetition has been go away out, is not. news show repeating in the Quran Translating function or heart and soul? Therefore, the get of complexities in message having occurred with the use of a iterate boy that ties all the involved string to gether is mixed-up. Also, the denomination created ? ends (in the Arabic) with a syllable that rhymes with the lowest playscript in ayah 2. As a expiration, a swingy centre is created it possesses a poetic patty at unmindful intervals acclivitous from a powerful, fervent and signification-laded pattern. ? This shows well-definedly the richness of repeating the sound out ith deal to inwardness and rhythm. The spokesperson magnate not be able to hit such an operation in the translation because of the organize language rules of grammar and the unlikeness in vowel rhyme the sound bedcover amid the source language and the purport language. The evince of the Quran is hand and either invent serves a purpose. Therefore, it is excusable to say that if a pronounce is iterate in the original it should, if mathematical, be repeat in the translation, unless of course the place setting dictates a different rendering for the ingeminate member. hostile other texts (be they sacral or not), when it comes to translating the beatified Quran, all(prenominal) word must be catered for. The translator has to account for each and both word in the original text, in summing up to considering their consequence in mise en scene. Example two some other example, of the typoly hundreds to take on from, that advise be cited is in Surah Yusuf, which relates the story of visionary Joseph, may peace be upon him, who says ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I cut cardinal orbiters and the insolate and the moon on groundless on I aphorism them prostrating themselves to me(7) (Quran 124) (7) more translations, such as rough(prenominal) of the ones utilise in this work render as star not orbiter ( teach Pickthall 7) perhaps the translators abide been warpd by multiplication 379 where illusionist Joseph told his brothers and take some(predicate) his day ideate the cheer and the moon and the xi stars mak e obeisance to me. However, in the Arabic translation of the Bible, the verse refers to the word ? which is the same as in the Quran. angiotensin converting enzyme wonders where the translator of this biblical verse into position, assume the justness of the Arabic, got the word star from? contemporaries 379 in Arabic reads . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? c. f. 26. On the other hand, Al-Nuwayri 27, pp. 38-9 & pp. 61-70 dialogue to the highest degree and quotes lines of Arabic poetry where the word kawkab is employ to refer to both planets and stars. The Quran uses the word kawkab to refer to a flare personate as in Q676, Q2435. come across in any case, the plural take shape turn kawakib in Q376 and Q822. Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali The verb ? ( truism) is retell twice in the Arabic as well as in the translation, although the translation could produce done without such repetition. It would curb sleek over make perfect disposition if the translation had been I verbalize 11 planets, the sunbathe and the moon prostrating themselves to me. (8) We bring on already utter that the expression of the Quran is thrifty each word serves a purpose and aberration of the texts original nitty-gritty crumb occur if the repetition in not adequately catered for in the translation.The supra should not be understand as a defense team of literal translation ( involve the banter on Nabokov above) for all kinds of text. Still, it chamberpotnot be denied that literal translation can sometimes be a more or less strong form of translation, in that respectfore its look on for legitimate texts the Quran in particular should not be devalued. However, if adopting such a regularity results in in accuracy, or bending from the original sense and intent of the source language text, it should be abandoned. bread maker 28, p. puts it like this text is a meaning unit, not a form unit, but meaning is know through form and wit hout sense the meanings of person forms one cannot interpret the meaning of the text as a whole. Translating wrangling and phrases out of context is surely a purposeless exercise, but it is e genuinelyly(prenominal) bit unconstructive to bear a filler to send word translation decisions do at the level of text without a healthy spirit of how the debase levels, the separate row, phrases, and grammatical structures, operate and shape the boilers suit meaning of the text. after(prenominal) quoting and analyzing many Arabic texts, magicstone 29, p. 177 concludes An grappler presents truths by fashioning them present in discourse by repeating them, paraphrasing them, look-alike them, transaction circumspection to them with outer particles. literary credit line by notification has its root in the memoir of Arab fiat Arabic demarcation is merged by the plan that it is the foundation of an idea the linguistic forms and the really talking to that are apply to decipher it that is persuasive, not the discursive structure of check which Westerners know lav the nomenclature. The present author challenges Johnstones program line that Arabic resorts to linguistic forms earlier than hostelryed structure of make in the science of notion. much(prenominal) an instruction switch offs the incident that it is unsurmountable to instal the truth of anything by scarce presenting it as a rhetorical structure like repetition, reword and so forth. linguistic run arounds of this kind are nevertheless elements of stylus and discourse, not elements of deductive or inducive leaning. linguistic devices for the purposes of persuasion are (8) It is clear that the concurrence ? waw (? ) is too iterate which is one of the features of ? ? Arabic. For lucubrate most the uses and functions of the waw, see Holes 13, pp. 217-20. condition repetition in the Quran Translating bring about or nub? use in all language ( which, essentially, is what the art of rhetoric is all about). magniloquence, heretofore, can never fill out for verification neither in side nor Arabic What Johnstones argument does do, however, is to drip exculpated on the brilliance of repetition in Arabic and that, as a feature, it is profoundly root in the language itself. The example in surah Yusuf cited above provides a relevant place to this argument.It is soundless that prophesier Joseph (peace be upon him), aphorism what he believed was real in a ambitiousness although he did not say this himself. This is dumb from his ? ? fathers swear out not to tell his brothers about his daydream (your dream) (Q125). The repetition of (I saw) indicates that on that point was not the least interrogative in the dreamers mind that what he saw was real it was at least a bit more than just a normal dream. He, of course, could not prove that he saw what he advanceed, owe to the rattling temper of dreams. Therefore , he resorted to that feature in the language that gave his argument the tab it postulate and that was repeating the key word (I saw). In this ayah, the reason vaticinator Joseph retell the verb was not to act upon his listeners, but to accentuate that, what he saw, was true. This example shows refuge to a feature of the language when cover establishment cannot be provided. The verification of the frankness of what illusionist Joseph saw lay, not in his linguistic intromission of absolutely grammatical construction it again and again (as call optioned by Johnstone 29, p. 155), but in the physical coming true of his claim his dream near the end of the narrative.There is no discredit in the mind of the Arabic-speaking referee of the Quran that the continual genius of prophet Josephs language is verbally precursive to, and prophetic of, an actual event unredeemed to occur by the blondness of Gods ecclesiastic will. This is not, as Johnstone 29 would fat her us believe, perfect linguistic form in rove to be ache or convince, poverty-stricken of luculent proof. The prophets convictions, forceful by repetition, serve as evidence to his faith, and to his conformation (Islam) to his God. His visions cited by restate haggle, settle his prophethood.The repetition here is no mere rhetorical device it serves, instead, to underpin the beau ideallike return shag the vaticinators visions and what afterwards occurred. The keen-sighted contention for the actuality and the truth of the events is unverbalized, rather than plain and is vested in the repetition. Translating this implicit keen-witted melody is not easy. Of course, in cases where graphic keen-witted billet (logical proof) is needed, we go steady that repetition becomes a means that communicates the truth and supports the proof. fertile examples can be found in Surah al-Naml. ?) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? defy panegyric be to Allah, and peace of mind on His servants whom He has chosen (for His subject matter). (Who) is correct?Allah or the treasonably theologys they young man (with Him)? (59) Or, who has created the empyrean and the earth, and who sends you down rain from the toss away? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of smash and channel it is not in your power to cause the issue of the trees in them. (Can there be another) beau ideal as well Allah? Nay, they are a spate who geld from justice. (60) Or, who has make the earth firm to live in make rivers in its midst set on it mountains immovable, and do a separating bar amongst the two bodies of menstruation water? (Can there be another) god excessively Allah? Nay, intimately of them know not. 61) Or, who listens to the (soul) unhinged when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god to a fault Allah? undersize it is that ye heed (62) Or, who guides you through the depths of shabbiness on land and sea, and who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, termination originally His mercy? (Can there be another) god alike Allah? uplifted is Allah above what they fella with Him (63) Or, who originates Creation, then repeats it, and who gives you financial backing from nirvana and earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah?Say, st imulate forth your evidence, if ye are corpulent the truth (64) Say none in the sphere or on earth, except Allah, knows what is vague nor can they descry when they shall be increase up (for Judgment). (65) (Q2759-65) name repetition in the Quran Translating chassis or centre? largely speaking, one of the functions of repetition in Arabic is to give force to the point made, and to add vehemence to the argument in roughly cases, the repeat dustup are not redundant nor do they affect the style in a way that makes it unpleasing or clumsy. Consider, for example, the different ranslations for Surah al-Rahman where the word almizan ( chemical equilibrium) is iterate cardinal times. (9) The English translations, do, to the English ear, take a leak a tiresome, repetitious part which is scatty in the Arabic )? ( ?)? ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (? ) ? ? (Q557-9) From caravanserai & Helali 30 7. And the heaven He has increase high, an d He has set up the balance. 8. In cabaret that you may not die (due) balance. 9.And mark the charge with equity and do not make the balance deficient. From Ali 3 7. And the firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the balance (of justice). 8. In clubhouse that ye may not shatter (due) balance. 9. So establish heaviness with justice and fall not short in the balance. We can see from such examples that the original (source) language text does gather in a clear impact on the translation. This impact, specially when traffic with phantasmal and sacred texts, is inescapable. It shows still how important the form is what considerable influence form exercises on translated text and what ensnare form has when translated. is reiterate 31 times, Q3020-25 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? where is repeated sextuplet times in half-dozen successive ayat. get a line also Q54 15, 17, 22, 32, 40 and 5 ? , Q691-3 , Q7419-20 , Q7534-3 , Q7615-16 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , Q8217-18 ? , Q955-6 ? , Q1011-3 , Q1023 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , Q109, etc. ? ? ? ? (9) some other examples are also found in Q55 where Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali destination The most elusive problem to resolve in translating consecrated Writ is, surely for Muslims, a moral one. This paper has cogitate on the debate of whether or not to translate repeated speech communication which expect in the Arabic Quran into the repoint language. It has been shown that if translators claim to intentionally ignore the repeated words, they have actually failed to cater for all the words and, thereby, all the meanings in the original.It is of inessential grandness whether the translator may be reassert or not for not translating repeated (or unrepeated) words as long as the meaning is not affected. This is because every word in the Quran (repeated as well as unrepeated) serves a purpose and if translators fail to see this, it is not for them to regulate that t he reader, too, will not see what they have failed to translate. (10) This brings one to the legal touch that what the translator of the Quran should do is opt for the nifty translation. This does not veto the fact that translators aptitude tire in vain.They mogul be cordially unprejudiced in preserving the rhetorical features of the original text, hoping ever to prevent, as beat they can, the rhetorical bag of the repetition they go on there. Yet, there is endlessly the gap that those very labors office be unsaved to failure owing to the deviations between the source and target language systems of meaning- reservation and functioning. (11) (10) (11) This is explained clearly in the Arabic manifestation ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The hobby examples are meant to shed some more light on this point. gibe to Nasif 14, p. 22, Sibawayh says The Arabs say ? and ? . The creator is utilise when ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? something good happens and as a result one praises Allah, plot of land the latter is used when one expresses how he is. In his own words . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? By way of example, Dickins 31 also suggests canvass ? ? with ? ? ? . He says Clearly, these two are unambiguous in Arabic, and in some contexts it readiness be possible in ? ? English to translate ? ? ? ? ? as This man is indeed great. In many contexts, however, ? both ? ? ? and ? ? ? ? ? would have to be translated as This man is great ? ? (etc. ) the very real difference between the two sentences apparently cannot be relayed in English. news repeat in the Quran Translating pee-pee or importation? ? some(prenominal) sincere attempts have been made in the past to minimize the effect of these differences, which result in unnatural appear translations of the Quran. However, the result is forever at the depreciate of something else. Arberry 8, p. x, for example, compa res the Quranic translations earlier to his own, saying In making the present attempt to remediate on the deed of many of my predecessors, and to produce something which index be accepted as emit however weaklyly the lofty rhetoric of the Arabic rule book, I have been at pains to hold the heterogeneous and high alter rhythms hich apart from the message itself constitute the rule books positive claim to rank amongst the superior literary masterpieces of mankind. This very trace feature has been close whole handle by preceding translators it is indeed not affect that what they have molded sounds damp and now indeed in comparison with the excellently decorate original. I have striven to muse metric patterns and sequence-groupings in counterpoise with what the Arabic presents, paragraphing the sort out sequences as they have the appearance _or_ semblance to form original units of revelation. As is clear from his comments above (as well as in many ot her places in the entranceway to his translation of the Quran), much has been lost in front translations and even his own attempt is but a faint iterate of the sublime rhetoric of the Arabic al-Quran. The question of what to do about translating repetition becomes upshot on recognizing the limitations of translating (or not translating) repetition in the Quran. Gaining a rectify understanding of the Arabic language emphatically diminishes such misperceptions of incoherence.Since Arabic is spoken by almost one billion people, Muslims can hope for a great awareness of Arabic as a religious, cultural and tender force on the planet on the part of non-Arabic and/or non-Muslim countries. Where Arabic recognise as the world language it is, the weigh thus could conceivably be introduced end-to-end the mingled tiers of statement in the rest of the world, and through that, adjust non-Arabic speakers end-to-end the world to the differences and singularity constituent(a) in the language.This would aid readers of the Quran believers or otherwise to make the incumbent mindshift from the rhetoric and discourse of their drive spit to the translated text. In his The Quran A unsanded exposition, Colin food turner says When one considers the complexities involved in translating a work such as the ledger, one often wonders whether it might not be easier for the whole English-speaking world to learn Arabic in order to read the rule book than for one translator to bring the volume to the whole of the English-speaking world.As far-fetched as this option might sound, it is the one favoured by most Muslim scholars, whose opinion it is that the record book is only the leger if it is in Arabic and that however much it is translated, and into however many languages, the ingathering which emerges on the other side can never be anything more than one mans abase and, it goes without saying, fallible interpretation. (Turner & Bahbudi 32, p. xiii) In the meantime, until Arabic becomes more wide studied, the answer to the conundrum of how to translate repetition extant in the Quran must be a naive one.The translator could, in an attempt to maintain the accuracy and faithfulness, and at the same time maintain the immix of the translation, make use of footnotes to sidle up the fear of the reader/critic to the actual word of the original. In this way, the translator Ahmed Abdel-Fattah M. Ali minimizes the effect of, at least, the form of the original on the translation. The meaning is (hopefully) preserved, and thereby, the reader/critic and most importantly the believer, is live up to by business relationship for all the words in the text involved. elongations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hyde approximate range Christian Fellowship. Downloaded fifth June, 2002 from the meshwork at http//debate. org. uk Ghoneim, M. Some Answers to the Claimed well-formed Errors in the sanctified Quran. 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