Friday, May 22, 2020
Postpartum Depression And Its Effects On Mental Health
Postpartum depression is the epitome of grief, strife, and angst which slithers and knots its cruel intentions through every inch of your body and soul. It s a predominant force in the daily life of mother s suffering with PPD, relentlessly taunting its innocent victims to an extremely lonely, dark breaking point. Feeding psychologically, this tenacious monster s very existence depending entirely on its host; much like a parasite. PPD causes an ever so exhausting atmosphere of stricken dread and despair, that you begin to ignore your own well-being; therefore resulting in the fast paced deterioration of your mental health. You are relentlessly bullied to surrender to its cruel darkness. However, you can also fight with everything you have to be that person you once enjoyed...that person you thought was gone forever. During my pregnancy I unfortunately also suffered from prenatal depression and anxiety. Immediately following the birth of my son, prenatal depression seamlessly handed off the baton to postpartum depress. I suffered immensely physically and emotionally. It s crushing knowing that for nine months I provided a safe, warm home for my little one , delivering an absolutely perfect, beautiful little boy into this world. Darkness, sadness, and hopelessness were the absolute last emotions I ever expected having. Expectation set by the societal norms, paint this whimsical new mother fairy tale portraying all new moms glowing with the utmost happiness.Show MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Postpartum Depression1612 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction First-time mothers are more susceptible to experiencing Postpartum Depression (PPD) and less likely to receive treatment for this disorder. PPD can be difficult to diagnose because women are often self -reporting and less likely to be forthcoming with their symptoms and detecting PPD becomes a public health problem (Yonkers, 2001, p. 1856). PPD is a health concern because it impacts the woman, baby, and family members especially if PPD goes untreated. There are several factors that needRead MorePostpartum Depression : Causes And Effects1450 Words  | 6 Pages Postpartum Depression in Rural U.S Communities Amanda L. Ruiz Widener University Overview The overview of this article is postpartum depression in rural Unites States communities. Researchers search to find the causes and effects of postpartum depression in rural US communitiesRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Postpartum Depression1518 Words  | 7 PagesBreastfeeding and Postpartum Depression: The Importance of Understanding Women s Intentions. Maternal Child Health Journal, 19(4), 897-907. doi:10.1007/s10995-014-1591-z This journal article did research about the cause and effect of breastfeeding on women who have postpartum depression (PPD). They did research on the mother’s mental health status at the different time of postpartum, and inspected how breastfeeding could affect the mothers. The research found out that the effect of breastfeedingRead MoreMaternal Depression : A Standard ( New York State Department Of Health1048 Words  | 5 PagesDespite widespread recognition of the problem of maternal depression and the potential benefits of screening, screening for maternal depression is not a standard (New York State Department Of Health, 2016). This policy brief was written for healthcare providers who treat expectant and new mothers with goals to improve the screening and to increase the number of women receiving appropriate treatment in our community. The recommendations address measures to improve early identification of the conditionRead MorePostpartum Depression And Its Effect On Child Development1500 Words  | 6 Pages â€Æ' Specialization My area of specialization is maternal postpartum depression and its effect on child development. It s a well-documented fact that postpartum depression affects not only the patient but other family members including the children. Client Agency The clients in this intervention will be women who have recently given birth. The intervention would occur at a hospital or medical setting during the six week check-up. The clients that would participate in this intervention would beRead MoreYellow: The Color of Postpartum Depression854 Words  | 3 PagesWomen have long felt the emotional, psychological and physical effects of child bearing. Before modern medicine, these mental struggles were said to be nothing more than nervousness. In The Yellow Wallpaper a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gillman, the narrator is a young woman who has recently given birth, during the late 19th century. After giving birth she has fallen victim of postpartum depression. When a woman becomes pregnant her body immediately starts to produce hormones in excess. TheseRead MorePathophysiology And Effects Of Postpartum Depression1528 Words  | 7 Pagesand Rhetoric Professor Jaffe The Pathophysiology Effects of Postpartum Depression After childbirth, around 85% of women experience some sort of mood change. For most, the symptoms, following childbirth are minor and brief, otherwise known as the baby blues. Though, 10 to 15% of a woman’s baby blues manifests and develops into postpartum depression and in extreme circumstances, psychosis (Zonana, J., Gorman, J., 2005). Postpartum depression is a multifaceted phenomenon with various componentsRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments Essay1101 Words  | 5 PagesDepression Postpartum in United States According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, depression is â€Å"a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.†According to the definition of the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), postpartum depressionRead MorePostpartum Depression On The Mother And Parenting1463 Words  | 6 PagesFor this research paper, I decided to focus on postpartum depression. While being a listening ear, I was introduced to the reality that not every mother has the attachment to her child that almost every movie in Hollywood portrays. After hearing the story and not sure if it was a real thing, I began to search the web for information, stories, and news coverage related to the rarely-discussed category of depressed known as Postpa rtum Depression (PPD). I wanted to find solid proof that this was anRead MoreDepression And Postpartum Depression1720 Words  | 7 Pagesare all symptoms of postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a severe mental disorder that some time will occur after giving birth or after being pregnant. According to research postpartum depression usually will occur within a year after giving birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 11 to 20% of women who give birth each year have postpartum depression symptoms. ). Although researchers have not been able to determine one main cause of postpartum depression, they have been able
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The War Of The Persian War - 854 Words
In Ancient Greece there were many famous wars and conquerors, in every era. These wars were all recorded in early history and lasted a couple of years. The only one that was not, or is thought to be made up, is the Trojan War. The only things they can go off of are the stories and the ruins of the city of Troy. Another famous war was the Persian wars. This war was the first big war between the persian empire and Spartans/Athens. After the Persian war, the Peloponnesian war took place, which was led by sparta. Than in Ancient Greece there were two main conquerors, Philip II and Alexander. As they are father and son, Philip II did a lot less than his son Alexander. Alexander wanted to fulfill his father s visions, which he exceeded his expectations. The trojan war took place in 1250 B.C.E. As this war has little evidence that it happened, it was passed down through many generations that this war took place. Many stories have the war happening in the city of Troy. Two famous poets wrote about this war, Homer and Sophocles, which wrote the Iliad Odyssey. These poems are part of evidence that this war took place. One of the stories has a Wooden Horse as a gift to the Trojans, and when the horse was in the city the Spartans invaded Troy. This war was to believe to be started by the kidnapping of the Spartan Queen, Helen, by the Trojan prince, Paris. This ended with the Greeks winning and in some stories, the death of the Trojan prince. The Persian war lasted from 499 B.C.EShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The Persian Wars Essay1421 Words  | 6 PagesWe had many revolutionary wars that shaped our world into becoming what it is today. The Persian Wars were one of those unforgettable events that inspired not only our military structure but government as well. The Persian Wars lasted for almost half a decade from 498 BCE to 448 BCE between the Persian Empire, of course, and Greek poleis. The war was centered around expanding the Empire of Persia as it claimed and took over land within battle and then ruling it as one while making a profit from itRead MoreThe War With The Persian1755 Words  | 8 PagesAgesilaus is Asia must be explored, as to his reasons for making war with the Persian and his possible objective. Furthermore, by exploring these one may be able to establish why he was trying to create a buffer-zone or was he trying to accomplish something entirely different. The invasion of the Persian territories in Asia, were brought on by King Agesilaus of the Sparta who had not been in power long when he heard the news that the Persians were amassing an army against the Greeks . With this news, AgesilausRead MoreThe Persian Gulf War And The Arab War1365 Words  | 6 PagesPersian Gulf War A brief history of the middle east and the nation of Iraq prior to the Persian Gulf War will help explain why the Persian Gulf War was viewed as necessary by the allied countries. The formation of a coalition of countries, the use of innovative military equipment, and strategic military operations helped the allied forces secure victory in the Persian Gulf War. The effects of this victory and subsequent conflict have changed our world as we know it. The Persian Gulf is one ofRead MoreThe Persian War Was A Series Of Wars1386 Words  | 6 Pages The Persian War was a series of wars fought amongst the great empire of Persia and the coalition of the Greek city-states, and lasted for twenty-one years. The Ionian city states protested against Persian rule, and expended their satraps and asserted their independence, which was the start of the Ionian Revolt. Later, Darius promised to have revenge on Athens and Eretria for their revolt against the Achaemenid empire. After the revolt Darius proclaim his rule, but it becomes more challenging forRead MoreThe Issue Of The Persian Gulf War3306 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction: The Persian Gulf War is one of the most recognized wars in our history of war. The Persian Gulf War included Iraq and Kuwait, and would later involve the United States. For a war to occur there must be a just cause. The United States government needed a just cause to go to war with Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. For the purposes of this paper a question that must be answered is; did the United States have a just cause to go to war with Iraq? In order to answer this question there mustRead MoreHistorical Bias Of The Persian Wars1332 Words  | 6 Pages The Persian wars were a group of wars between the Persians (the largest empire) and the Greeks (city-states philosophers) from 492 bc to 449bc. The history is told in great part by Herodotus, a Greek historian, considered to write historical bias in regards to Greek Persian history. Herodotus was said to investigate the Persian war, going through different lands and collecting personal inquiries, myths, legends and accounts of the Persian Wars. He was praised and honored for his recollectionRead MorePersian Gulf And Iraq War1089 Words  | 5 PagesDecember 9, 2015 Persian Gulf Iraq War The Persian Gulf/ Iraq War was one of the longest wars in American history. The Iraq War alone lasted nine years, and the Persian Gulf War lasted a little over a year. Many veterans faced hardships upon returning home. These hardships include: illness, homelessness, and unemployment in the midst of one of America s worst economic depressions in history. Shouldn t veterans be treated better? The Persian Gulf War, otherwise known as the Gulf War was an internationalRead MoreThe Persian Gulf War Essay907 Words  | 4 Pages The Persian Gulf War The war in the Persian Gulf was a war of religious favor, cruel leadership, and greed. Desert Storm or more commonly known ass The Golf War was the same type of war that had accrued in this area for many years except for one fact. In Operation Desert Storm, it was a mix of sophisticated technology and the combined leadership and cooperation from the coalition that was used to end the war in a quick and timely manner. Which in the end probably saved thousands of lives. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;InRead More Persian Gulf War Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pages The Persian Gulf War all started because of one country’s greed for oil. Iraq accused Kuwait of pumping oil and not sharing the benfits, and Kuwait was pumping more oil than allowed under quotas set by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, it decreased the price of oil, Iraqs main export. Iraqs complaints against Kuwait grew more and more harsh, but they were mostly about money. When Iraqi forces began to assemble near the Kuwaiti border in the summer of 1990, several Arab statesRead MoreEssay on Persian Gulf War3474 Words  | 14 Pages The Persian Gulf is one of the few regions whose importance to the United States is obvious. The flow of Gulf oil will continue to be crucial to the economic well-being of the industrialized world for the foreseeable future; developments in the Gulf will have a critical impact on issues ranging from Arab-Israeli relations and religious extre mism to terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation. Every president since Richard Nixon has recognized that ensuring Persian Gulf security and stability is a vital
Sunday, May 10, 2020
25 Things Every New Italian Language Learner Should Know
So you’ve decided to learn Italian? Hooray! Deciding to learn a foreign language is a big deal, and as exciting as it can be to make that choice, it can also be overwhelming to know where to start or what to do. What’s more, as you dive even more deeply into learning, the number of things you need to learn and all the things that confuse you can start to demotivate you. We don’t want that to happen to you, so heres a list of 25 things that every new Italian language learner should know. When you go into this experience with clear, realistic expectations and a better idea of how to handle uncomfortable moments, it can often make the difference between those who say they’ve always wanted to learn Italian and those who become conversational. 25 Things Every New Italian Language Learner Should Know There is not even one â€Å"Learn Italian Quick†program that will be your be-all-end-all. There is no lightning in a bottle for Italian. There are hundreds of great, high-quality resources, many of which I can recommend, but know, above all, that YOU are the person learning the language. As polyglot Luca Lampariello often says, â€Å"Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned.†In the beginning stages of learning, you will learn a ton, and then as you near that blessed intermediate level, you’ll have a period where you feel like you’re not making any progress. This is normal. Don’t get down on yourself about it. You actually are making progress, but at that stage, more effort is required, particularly when it comes to spoken Italian. Speaking of†¦Learning how to sound fluid and natural in Italian requires a lot of speaking practice and not just listening, reading, and writing practice. As you’re able to form longer sentences an d have a larger stockpile of vocabulary, you’ll want to find a language partner. For some people, speaking can start from day one, but it depends on your experience, and a language partner can help you stay in this for the long-haul, which is critical because...Learning a language is a commitment that requires devotion (read: studying on a daily basis.) Start with a so-easy-you-can’t-say-no routine at first, like five minutes a day, and then build from there as studying becomes more of a habit. Now that you’re a language learner, you’ve got to find a way to weave it into your daily life.It’s meant to be fun, and it’s also absurdly gratifyingâ€â€especially when you have your first conversation where you can connect with someone. Make sure to engage in activities that you find joy in. Find fun YouTube channels, work with tutors who make you laugh, find Italian music to add to your playlists. But know that...You will try to like Italian music, but you will probably be disappointed. You will be able to understand more than you’ll be able to say. This is to be expected since at first, you’ll be taking in more information (listening and reading) than you’re putting out (writing and speaking).BUT, EVEN may study for a long time and then feel brave enough to watch some Italian TV and not understand more than 15 percent of what they’re saying. That’s normal, too. Your ear isn’t used to the rate of speech yet and lots of things are in dialect or contain slang, so be gentle with yourself.There is a thing in Italian where you have to make your nouns, adjectives and verbs agree in number and gender. This will happen with pronouns and prepositions, too. No matter how well you know the rules, you will mess up. It’s not a big deal. The goal is to be understood, not perfect.And in that same vein, you will definitely make mistakes. They are normal. You will say embarrassing things like â€Å"ano - anus†instead of â€Å"anno - year.†Laugh it off, and think of it as one entertaining way to acquire new vocabulary.You will get confused between the imperfect and the past tense. Just consider that challenge as a recipe you keep on tweaking. It will always be edible, but it could still be better.You will overuse the gerund tense when you mean to use the present tense. This and a host of other problems will arise from your depending on English to inform your Italian. You will totally forget to use the past tense during conversations. Our brains like to go to what’s easiest, so when we’re nervous while trying to have a conversation with a native speaker, it defaults to what’s easiest, which is often the present.And while you’re having those early conversations, you will feel like you lack a personality in Italian. As you learn more, your personality will re-emerge, I promise. In the meantime, it cou ld be helpful to make a list of phrases that you often say in English and ask your tutor for the Italian equivalents.You will say â€Å"yes†to things you meant to say â€Å"no†to and â€Å"no†to things you meant to say â€Å"yes†to. You will order the wrong thing when youre dining out. You will ask for the wrong size when youre shopping. You will get a lot of weird stares from people trying to understand you, and you will need to repeat yourself. It’s all okay, and nothing is personal. People really want to know what you’re saying.When you visit Italy, anxious to put your Italian into action on its home turf, you will be English-ed, and it’s not meant as an insult.You will constantly wonder whether you should be using the â€Å" tu†or the â€Å"lei†form with all people everywhere that ever existed. At some point (or more realistically, several points), you will lose motivation and fall off the Italian studying wago n. You’ll also find new ways to get back on it.You will be impatient to reach â€Å"fluency.†(Hint: Fluency isn’t a real destination. So enjoy the ride.)You will consider using Google Translate for everything. Try not to. It can easily become a crutch. Use dictionaries like WordReference and Context-Reverse first.Once you learn how to use the word â€Å"boh,†you will start using it all the time in English.You will love the colorful proverbs and idioms that differ from English. ‘Who sleeps doesn’t catch fish’ instead of ‘the early bird catches the worm’? Adorable.Your mouth will feel weird pronouncing unfamiliar words. You will feel insecure about you’re speaking. You will think you should be further along. Remember that feeling uncomfortable means you’re doing something right. Then, ignore those negative thoughts and keep studying.You will forget that communication is about more than a perfectly construc ted sentence and will try to learn the language through just studying the grammar. Resist the temptation for everything to be structured.But most importantly, know that you will, after practice and devotion, be able to speak Italianâ€â€not quite like a native, but comfortable enough to do the things that matter, like make friends, eat authentic Italian food, and experience a new country from the eyes of someone who is no longer a typical tourist. Buono studio!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Autism Is A Mental Condition Essay - 1321 Words
The definition of Autism is a mental condition, resent from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. Autism is not classified as a disease, it is a mental condition. Some symptoms might be poor eye contact, compulsive and repetitive behaviors, repetitive movements, unaware of others emotions, depression, anxiety, change in voice, and obsessive interests. Autism makes it hard for a person to process incoming stimuli and many autistics focus on one object in order to prevent sensory overload. It cannot be cured and it is chronic, which means that it last for years or is lifelong. Most children will have difficulty engaging in the give-and-take of everyday human interactions when they develop autism. Infants that are developing autism and that are about 8 to 10 months of age will start to show symptoms like no interest in people, delayed babbling and failure to respond to their names. Children who have developed autism will most likely try to isolate themselves form others. They will also try to shut out the outside world. Autism is not like depression, anxiety, addiction, mental retardation, or any other mental conditions. There is no real treatment for autism. Usually early recognition can reduce some symptoms, as well as family and behavioral therapies that will do the same and give the autistic some support in learning and development. Also some therapies thatShow MoreRelatedAutism Is A Mental Condition809 Words  | 4 PagesOctober 2015 Autism affects every 1 in 68 children in America, autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. What causes autism? A short while ago, the answer to this question would have been â€Å"we have no clue.†Research is now bringing us the answers. First, we now know that there is no one cause of autism just as there is no one type of autism. In the lastRead MoreAutism Is A Matter Of Passionate National Debate1197 Words  | 5 Pages†¢ In the past two decades or so, autism has changed from being a condition nobody had even heard about to widely recognized mental health condition. Due to widespread use of internet, social media and smartphones everybody knows something about autism. Just searching for autism in Google brings up more than 68 million results. Autism has become a matter of passionate national debate among different stake holders such as government, public health agencies, mental health associations, non-profit organizationsRead MoreAutism Is A Mental Imbalance A Provideentitled, Extremely1432 Words  | 6 PagesAutism is a mental imbalance a provide Entitled, extremely introverted Disturbances of Affective Contact this fundamental state turned into the construct for all review with respect to what came to be known as Autism. It is a turmoil described by shortfalls in three noteworthy regions of conduct  ¬ social, informative and the show of monotonous or limited practices. Autism records the fundamental components as the nearness of extraordinarily irregular or hindered advancement in social associationRead MoreAutism And Its Effects On Children1228 Words  | 5 Pagesanyone that you know has autism or that have been diagnosed with autism? Many people have this throughout the world, but some people don’t know what they can do about autism because the question is what can they d o to help them? How can they help them? Today, rates of autism found in children have increased over the past few decades. However, doctors and scientists do not know what the causes of this mental illness are? Some common assumptions that are considered causes of autism are found through geneticsRead MoreThe Etiology Of Parental Psychiatric Conditions Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders883 Words  | 4 Pagessynthesize and analyze journal articles related to the etiology of parental psychiatric conditions of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the development of psychiatric conditions after diagnosis; and how the two are interrelated and cyclical. Parents of children with ASD encounter a variety of unexpected- emotional, physiological, and financial challenges in their lifetime. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders often have â€Å"elevated levels of depressive symptoms and psychologicalRead MoreThe Increasing Prevalence in Autism Spectrum Disorders1155 Words  | 5 Pages Autism is a mental condition that can occur in children from birth but is diagnosed in early infancy or early childhood. It is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout the lifetime of a person. It can be considered as a spectrum of disorders characterized by severe developmental deficiencies that can affect socialization, communication, emotional development and can cause repetitive or unusual behaviors. The ranges of the symptoms are mild to severe. There is a milder formRead MoreVirtual Psychiatrist Essay911 Words  | 4 Pageslikely health conditions. Now, new research adds autism to that list, and that opens the door to all sorts of diagnostic medtech for neurological conditions. In India, where there is a very significant psychiatrist shortage, medtech that enhances diagnoses for mental illness is incredibly valuable. India’s psychiatrist shortage means that mental illness often goes undiagnosed in rural areas, and patients, therefore, are less likely to get the right treatment for their conditions. A so-called â€Å"virtualRead MoreEducating Special Needs Students: I.E. Autism and Other Severe Disabilities1480 Words  | 6 PagesEducating Special Needs Students: I.e. Autism and other Severe Disabilities Timothy E. Jackson SPE -226 Educating the Exceptional Learner February 23, 2011 Professor Rebekah McCarthy This essay is entitled Educating Special Needs Students, the author will discuss and several important issues, which will be the following; the defining of Mental Retardation a term the author despises, Autism, Severe Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities, also their causes, and the impact of these disabilitiesRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Essay1561 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION What Is Autism? What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition that joins cripplings in social association and developmental vernacular and social capacities combined with unbendable, excess practices. Because of the extent of signs, this condition is right now called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It covers an unlimited scope of signs, capacities, and levels of the prevention. ASD keeps running in reality from a handicapped person that to some degreeRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )885 Words  | 4 PagesBACKGROUND Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects a group of complex disorders of brain development. Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interactions, social communication and an unusually restricted range of behaviors and interest (David R. Simmons, 2009). It seems that autism is a new condition because most of research about this condition has occurred since the 1980. However, Autism has been around for a much longer time than that, people
A New Work Ethic Free Essays
Describe how typical the attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in work environments you have experienced. They seem to be very typical in some of the work environments I have been in. I recall some years ago when I took on the fast-food world for about 14 days, a lot of the employees there were young and immature. We will write a custom essay sample on A New Work Ethic or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many company’s like McDonalds and Burger King employee these high school and college students who have not matured enough to fully understand the true value of work. For that reason, many of these companies are subject to much revenue loss due to fraud and theft within the work place. I’m sure that they account for that when they draw out their business plans and write out their policies and procedures to ensure mangers look out for employees with those traits. Explain the implications of the work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business. If I read the case right it seems as if he is saying that tomorrow’s leaders of America are ones that feel that you must claw your way to the top. They show characteristics of someone who would step on anyone or do anything to get what they want. It shows implications of a lot of ill will being performed in the future and how the structure of business competition may be a bit more competitive in the future. Explain whether it is more reasonable to expect workers, especially in a capitalist society, to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service, than Sheehy’s coworkers were. Yes, it is reasonable to expect more from workers that have been out there longer in respectable work environments. They have educated themselves enough to know when to show certain parts of their personality and have conquered their childish endeavors. Such individuals have formed a discipline within and know that the true way to the top of their careers is by showing true talent and knowing the fundamentals of your job. These things are just not learned over not and usually high school and college freshmen students are just beginning their journey down the literary path and have not learned these fundamentals yet. Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. I don’t think there is a true reasoning behind employee theft. Yet, if I had to pull one from the case reading I would say that it is the fact that the employees are young and naive. They lack discipline and respect and take for granted their jobs and the value of the job they do. The case seems to demonstrate how many fast food establishments have low moral within their employee body and lack good strong ethnic value training. I think if the employees should be trained to know what good ethics is. Also, they should be shown how to perform good moral ethics in their everyday work environment. Then, if it was actually implicated and enforced it would change the way many of the fast food employee staff viewed their positions and their overall attitudes toward their jobs would change. Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes. The capitalists’ society encourages attitudes like those by making it seem like it is a doggie dog world in the land of business. Every time you open a newspaper or turn on the television you hear how some accountant stole billions and trillions of dollars from some company. Stories of investment fraud and millionaires stepping on someone to get their lead in the market flood the airwaves on different Medias all over the world. Of course, after all that I would assume that the message that would be received by young, inspiring entrepreneurs is get in and get yours no matter how. This is what we are being told to do to only look out for number one. It is not until you actually get into the game and start dealing with the real action that you truly understand that what the media display and always real or remotely accurate. You have Politian’s that get up in front of the people and promise all the things to them. Saying that the can change things and offering things that they know they may not be able to achieve just to get a vote. These types of actions send the message that it is ok to tell a lie to get what you want in the business world and that the rules are only there to be broken. In conclusion, the culture of our capitalists’ society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes in its everyday actions and advertisements’, through Government leaders actions right down to the State leaders actions. What these officials and many like them do is seen and heard around the world and many follow in their footsteps in hopes that they would be smart enough to do it better and acquire all those luxuries without doing the work, just like the last man did. How to cite A New Work Ethic, Papers
Most Common Dermatological Adverse Events and the Drugs Causing
Question: Describe about the Summarize the Most Common Dermatological Adverse Events and the Drugs Causing them? Answer: Introduction Drugs are extremely beneficial, extend life and enhance its quality by decreasing the symptoms and enhancing human well-being. However, some drugs can have adverse effects on people and can hold the potential of rooting injury even if the drugs are used appropriately. The dermatological adverse event is an unpleasant and harmful reaction that may generate from an intercession relating to the application of a medicinal product (Uetrecht, 2010). Furthermore, the dermatologic toxicities can have reflective effect on the patient. Therefore, the dermatologic adverse events have garnered significant attention due to holding high frequency, presence in cosmetically and functional sensitive areas, etc lead to declined quality of health and life. Therefore, the current assignment will be focusing on the dermatological adverse events and the drugs that lead to such events. Type of drugs causing adverse reaction An adverse drug reaction is treated as an injury that may occur due to medication. Type A (predictable reactions): These can occur due to known pharmacological events of the drugs. It is normally dose related. Moreover, the predictable reaction comprises overdose or toxicity, drug interactions, side effects and secondary effects (Hobbs, 2010). Type B (unpredictable reactions): Theses are considered as dose independent and do not relate with the drugs pharmacological actions and may involve genetic basis. Further, the particular reaction are segmented into three groups namely hypersensitivity reaction, intolerance and idiosyncratic reaction. Type C (reactions): This type of reaction is concerned with the therapy of chronic. Type D (reactions): It is composed of delayed reactions, for instance, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis (Khan and Solensky, 2010). Drugs leading to allergies Penicillin and related antibiotic: Penicillin can lead to adverse reaction such as diarrhea, upset stomach. Moreover, the penicillin antibiotics can cause hives, rashes, swollen lips, face or tongue and itchy eyes. On the other hand, people take penicillin antibiotics over and over again without any serious problem which causes them allergies (Leung, 2010). Therefore, a person can have skin test to find out whether he/she is having penicillin allergy or not. Antibiotics containing sulfonamides: It is also termed as sulfa allergy. It is an antibiotic that contains chemicals termed sulfonamides that can cause reaction if a person is having sulfa allergy. Therefore, sulfonamide antibiotics can lead to allergic reaction that may range from meek to harsh rashes via to anaphylaxis. Thus, the allergic reaction to sulfonamide antibiotics may not be effective in increasing the likelihood (Mechcatie, 2010). On the other side, sulfonamide antibiotics involve combination drugs such as erythromycin-sulfisoxazole and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. Apart from that, other sulfa medications that can create reactions are sulfasalazine and dapsone. Thus, if a person is allergic to sulfonamide antibiotic then they should avoid using the antibiotic. Anticonvulsants: This type of drug is normally used for reducing or preventing the frequency or severity of seizures in different kinds of epilepsy. On the other hand, this drug can too lead to allergy or negative drug reaction such as headache, nausea, dizziness, fever, hepatitis, skin reactions, and rashes. It is evident that carbamazepine an anticonvulsant roots rashes to 10% in individual. Moreover, anticonvulsants can also cause different types of skin reaction such as exfoliative dermatitis, urticaria, erythema multiforme and purpura (Mossillo and Pinzini, 2010). Therefore, the anticonvulsant drugs can have adverse effects such as drowsiness, lightheadedness or dizziness. Aspirin: Aspirin can also cause adverse drug reaction and a person may be having reaction to NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Therefore, the person may be suffering from itchy skin, red eyes, and hives, and runny nose, shortness of breath, coughing, anaphylaxis and coughing (Pawankar, Holgate and Rosenwasser, 2010). On the other hand, it has been known that if a person is having chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps or urticaria then a person may be at high risk of inclining towards reaction to aspirin. Chemotherapy drugs: It falls under the segment of cancer treatment that employs chemical substance. Therefore chemotherapy drugs along with other drugs such as vaccines, biological therapies and hormone therapy can cause side effects that can affect the health and life of the patients (Pichler, 2010). Moreover, the chemotherapy drugs can affect the cells in digestive tract, bone marrow, hair follicles, etc. Thus, the therapy has to taken under expert so that person does not fall into any adverse condition. Conclusion From the whole study it can be concluded that, drugs can have significantly adverse impact on the health of the people if not taken in prescribed manner. On the other hand, the person has to consult with the doctors if they are facing allergy after consuming medicine or drugs. Thus, from the study it has been found that a person can have rashes, itchiness, fever, upset stomach, etc. References HOBBS, M. (2010). Avoiding Well Tolerated Drug Claims Suggested. Skin Allergy News, 41(12), p.8. Khan, D. and Solensky, R. (2010). Drug allergy. 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