Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Fair Equality Of Opportunity - 1472 Words
1.) Daniels uses the â€Å"fair equality of opportunity†for his argument on his views on the strong right to healthcare. He states that you can t be considered a normal functioning human if you are diseased or have disabilities that restrict your range of opportunities. Because everyone should be able to obtain the same equal opportunities, if adequate healthcare is what they need to get back to a normal functioning state then that is what they should be able to receive. Buchanan thinks that the notion of a universal right of decent minimum healthcare cannot justify a mandatory decent minimum policy because it fails to demonstration distributive justice along with utilitarianism. His four main arguments that account for a right to a decent†¦show more content†¦His augment for the enforcement of beneficence states that by forcing an individual to contribute to the goal at hand will overcome the temptation to withhold their contribution and to also assure the individual th at everyone is going to contribute and he won’t be the only one donating to the cause. Both arguments contain the assumption that there is a standard when it comes to the moral obligation between society and individuals in need. 2.) In Rachel s Smith-Jones experiment he present a situation where two people have the desire to kill their nephew in order to hopefully receive a large sum of money. In Smiths situation he physically drowns the child while he s in a bath and in Jones’ situation the child slips, hits his head, and drowns himself in the bath water by accident. Jones was prepared to drown the child himself but there was no need because it already happened by accident without his doing, but Jones watches the whole thing and doesn t do anything to prevent it. Rachel s point in this situation is that neither situation, killing as apposed to letting die, aren t seen as having any moral difference. Both people acted upon the same motive and both situations had the same outcome. This case helps Rachel to make his point that, for a physician’s case, there is no difference between active and passive euthanasia.
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Return Shadow Souls Chapter 4 Free Essays
â€Å"You’re shaking. Let me do it alone,†Meredith said, putting a hand on Bonnie’s shoulder as they stood together in front of Caroline Forbes’s house. Bonnie started to lean into the pressure, but made herself stop. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 4 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was humiliating to be shaking so obviously on a Virginia morning in late July. It was humiliating to be treated like a child, too. But Meredith, who was only six months older, looked more adult than usual today. Her dark hair was pulled back, so that her eyes looked very large and her olive-skinned face with its high cheekbones was shown to its best advantage. She could practically be my babysitter, Bonnie thought dejectedly. Meredith had high heels on, too, instead of her usual flats. Bonnie felt smaller and younger than ever in comparison. She ran a hand through her strawberry-blond curls, trying to fluff them up a precious half inch higher. â€Å"I’m not scared. I’m c-cold,†Bonnie said with all the dignity she could muster. â€Å"I know. You feel something coming from there, don’t you?†Meredith nodded at the house before them. Bonnie looked sideways at it and then back at Meredith. Suddenly Meredith’s adultness was more comforting than annoying. But before she looked at Caroline’s house again she blurted, â€Å"What’s with the spike heels?†â€Å"Oh,†Meredith said, glancing down. â€Å"Just practical thinking. If anything tries to grab my ankle this time, it gets this.†She stamped and there was a satisfying clack from the sidewalk. Bonnie almost smiled. â€Å"Did you bring your brass knuckles, too?†â€Å"I don’t need them; I’ll knock Caroline out again barehanded if she tries anything. But quit changing the subject. I can do this alone.†Bonnie finally let herself put her own small hand on Meredith’s slim, long-fingered one. She squeezed. â€Å"I know you can. But I’m the one who should. It was me she invited over.†â€Å"Yes,†Meredith said, with a slight, elegant curl of her lip. â€Å"She’s always known where to stick in the knife. Well, whatever happens, Caroline’s brought it on herself. First we try to help her, for her sake and ours. Then we try to make her get help. After that – â€Å" â€Å"After that,†Bonnie said sadly, â€Å"there’s no telling.†She looked at Caroline’s house again. It looked†¦skewed†¦in some way, as if she were seeing it through a distorting mirror. Besides that, it had a bad aura: black slashed across an ugly shade of gray-green. Bonnie had never seen a house with so much energy before. And it was cold, this energy, like the breath out of a meat locker. Bonnie felt as if it would suck out her own life-force and turn it into ice, if it got the chance. She let Meredith ring the doorbell. It had a slight echo to it, and when Mrs. Forbes answered, her voice seemed to echo slightly, as well. The inside of the house still had that funhouse mirror look to it, Bonnie thought, but even stranger was the feel. If she shut her eyes she would imagine herself in a much larger place, where the floor slanted sharply down. â€Å"You came to see Caroline,†Mrs. Forbes said. Her appearance shocked Bonnie. Caroline’s mother looked like an old woman, with gray hair and a pinched white face. â€Å"She’s up in her room. I’ll show you,†Caroline’s mother said. â€Å"But Mrs. Forbes, we know where – †Meredith broke off when Bonnie put a hand on her arm. The faded, shrunken woman was leading the way. She had almost no aura at all, Bonnie realized, and was stricken to the heart. She’d known Caroline and her parents for so long – how could their relationships have come to this? I won’t call Caroline names, no matter what she does, Bonnie vowed silently. No matter what. Even†¦yes, even after what she’s done to Matt. I’ll try to remember something good about her. But it was difficult to think at all in this house, much less to think of anything good. Bonnie knew the staircase was going up; she could see each step above her. But all her other senses told her she was going down. It was a horrifying feeling that made her dizzy: this sharp slant downward as she watched her feet climb. There was also a smell, strange and pungent, of rotten eggs. It was a reeking, rotten odor that you tasted in the air. Caroline’s door was shut, and in front of it, lying on the floor, was a plate of food with a fork and carving knife on it. Mrs. Forbes hurried ahead of Bonnie and Meredith and quickly snatched up the plate, opened the door opposite Caroline’s, and placed it in there, shutting the door behind her. But just before it disappeared, Bonnie thought she saw movement in the heap of food on the fine bone china. â€Å"She’ll barely speak to me,†Mrs. Forbes said in the same empty voice she’d used before. â€Å"But she did say that she was expecting you.†She hurried past them, leaving them alone in the corridor. The smell of rotten eggs – no, of sulfur, Bonnie realized, was very strong. Sulfur – she recognized the smell from last year’s chemistry class. But how did such a horrible smell get into Mrs. Forbes’s elegant house? Bonnie turned to Meredith to ask, but Meredith was already shaking her head. Bonnie knew that expression. Don’t say anything. Bonnie gulped, wiped her watering eyes, and watched Meredith turn the handle of Caroline’s door. The room was dark. Enough light shone from the hallway to show that Caroline’s curtains had been reinforced by opaque bedspreads nailed over them. No one was in or on the bed. â€Å"Come in! And shut that door fast!†It was Caroline’s voice, with Caroline’s typical waspishness. A flood of relief swept over Bonnie. The voice wasn’t a male bass that shook the room, or a howl, it was Caroline-in-a-bad-mood. She stepped into the dimness before her. How to cite The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 4, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH HYPTHESIS Essay BusinessPRODUCTIVITY GROWTH HYPTHESISIn this assignment, we will attempt to study the effects that differencein Income Ratio (henceforth known as I.R.) between the years 1980 and 1990have on the Productivity Growth (P.G.) during the same period of time. The Income Ratio of one specific year can be found if we take the averageincome of the richest faction of a country (the richest 20% of thepopulation) and divide it by that of the poorest faction (the poorest 20%). In this assignment, the Income Ratios that were used were those of 13different countries. The I.R.s on both 1980 and 1990 were taken for allthese countries and, to find the difference between them, the I.R. for 1990was divided by the I.R. for 1980, for each country. These new numbersillustrate the change of I.R. between the two years so that we can comparehow the P.G. changes in relation to the changes in the I.R.. On this assignment, we use inductive reasoning to examine the data andfind a theory (a hypothesis) that would combine the data given in a waythat would make sense, based solely on our data. How do we know if thetheory that we formulate makes sense? In this case we will plot thepoints (derived from the column I.R. 1990/1980, going on the x-axis, andthe column Productivity Growth 79-90, on the y-axis). According to howthe points are on the graph in relation to the Average Point (0.94,1.45)(point that is an average of all values and which divides the graph intofour Quadrants), if 80% of these points are where they would be expected tobe to conform to the hypothesis, then there is no reason to reject thishypothesis. If, on the other hand, the majority of the points does notconform to our hypothesis (are not where they were predicted to be), thenit is rejected. Another method of reasoning frequently used by Mainstream economists isdeductive knowledge, as opposed to inductive, described ab ove. Theirtheory is formulated and only then it is applied to the data. Their theoryon this subject suggests that productivity within a country grows when thepopulation has incentives to work harder (or to work more). When the gapbetween rich and poor increases (an increase in I.R. form 1980-90,resulting in a larger ratio on the column I.R. 1990/1980), so does thepopulations eagerness to work, therefore increasing the ProductivityGrowth. Since when one variable goes up the other also goes up, there is apositive (or direct) correlation between the two. Mainstream economists usedeductive reasoning to deduce that there exists a positive correlationbetween the two factors. In short, their hypothesis is that when the IncomeRatio increases, the Productivity Growth also increases, since people aremore motivated. For this to be true, we would expect a line going up and tothe right on the graph, passing by Quadrants II and IV. Most points (80% ormore) would have to be on these two Quadrants. This, however, is not thecase (see graph), since only about 30.77% of the points plotted satisfythese conditions. Since the original hypothesis was rejected, we might want to see if thereis a negative correlation between the two variables (that is, as one goesup, the other goes down). Our new hypothesis would then be as the IncomeRatio increases, the Productivity Growth decreases. Then, in the case of ahigh I.R., people in lower classes would rationally start to feel insecureand that their work is not being recognized by society, therefore losingmotivation and producing less. In this case, since theres a negativecorrelation, one would expect the line on the graph to go downwards, fromleft to right, passing on Quadrants I and III. If this hypothesis werevalid, 80%+ of the points would have to be on these Quadrants. This is alsonot the case, for only 69.32% of the points are on the appropriateQuadrants. Like the first, this second hypothesis also has to be rejected. .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .postImageUrl , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:hover , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:visited , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:active { border:0!important; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:active , .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74 .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0c9cc9634aa321e60c8ddf915b29cf74:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Knowledge Manegment Systems EssayAfter analyzing these two relationships and seeing that neither is valid,we conclude that there is no direct relationship between the two variablestested. That does not mean that one has no effect on the other (it probablydoes), only that there may be other factors and influences involved thathave not been accounted for in this assignment and that one is not the onlyfactor responsible for the changes in the other. DATA SHEETCountryIncome Ratio1980ProductivityGrowth1979-90Income Ratio1990Income Ratio1990 / 1980 United States9.00.411.01.2Australia Zealand8. Income Ratio 1990 / 1980: 0.941Average Productivity Growth 1979-90: 1.45No. of points conforming to first hypothesis: 4/13 = 30.77%No. of points conforming to second hypothesis: 9/13 = 69.23%By: Leonardo Santos
Saturday, November 30, 2019
War for Talent
Introduction The global economy has significantly expanded within the last decade. Human resource managers, business leaders, and other entrepreneurs at large have found it increasingly challenging to recruit new and skilled workforce in their business institutions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on War for Talent specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These business organisations need skilled employees for critical entrepreneurial processes such as decision-making and strategic planning in order to gain competitive advantage in both local and global markets. However, the gap between the need for skilled workers and available employment positions is seemingly becoming a challenge for many business organizations around the globe. This phenomenon has crowned into a war for talent that has challenged the accomplishment of goals and objectives for many businesses and organisations. This paper provides insight to the extent t o which war for talent has become both a local and global challenge for businesses and organizations. The Global War for Talent Numerous researchers have unveiled that many organisations, especially in America, Nordic region, and Asia, have gradually fallen short of competitive talents (Chambers, Foulon, Handfield-Jones, Hankin, Michaels 1998). The world underwent an immense revolution in terms of technology during the last decade. Apparently, technology has led to the expansion of businesses and the invention of new ones. As a result, many companies have sprouted within this technological revolution leading to new brands in the market. However, Klein (2013) claims that there is no adequate professional talent to fill the labour gap that is associated with this nature of organisational dynamism. There is an increasing demand for expertise knowledge about a variety of professional dimensions such as information and technology literacy, free and private enterprise skills, strategic p lanning, and international shrewdness (Chambers et al. 1998). Lately, due to the aforementioned trend of events, multinational companies have begun to seek talents from foreign countries where quality education is highly regarded. In their research, the authors note that the shortage of talents in business organisations has forced some executive directors to serve an increasing number of companies in their career life.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This situation is due to the urge for companies to seek the best business leaders to manage their companies. According to Chambers et al. (1998), many companies extend less weight to the practice of nurturing talents within their business organisations. Global Leadership Many multinational corporations across the globe have championed to secure the world’s best business executives to lead their businesses (Ju 2013). There is a need for organisations to maintain competitive leaders in order to improve their bottom lines. Despite the urge for highly qualified professionals, many human resource managers of contemporary business firms face a hard time in search for brilliant talents from the twenty-first century generation (Larkan 2009). Due to competition and emergence of new markets for products, leaders of these business firms have to recruit professionals to take charge of the managerial jobs. However, the human resource managers meet the recruitment of business executives with the possibility of unforeseen shortcomings of taking on under qualified individuals, masked in volatile skills and knowledge about their anticipated responsibilities (Martin 2013). Furthermore, international firms have to persevere costly hiring of executives due to extreme competition, especially in emerging markets. According to the authors, the emerging markets have more war for talent than the developed markets. The quali ty of the products and size of the market depends on the expertise knowledge of the employees. The author unveils that multinationals have lately found difficulties to recruit and maintain highly talented personnel in their business organizations. A survey conducted by Klein (2013) to investigate the confidence of employees in their companies indicated that 71 percent of business executives were confident that they would be retained in their current positions for at least two to three years. Aging Population and Global Demographics Researchers have attested that there an increasing gap between the number of aged persons who leave the workforce and the availability of new talents to occupy the vacant positions (Burkus Osula 2011). The authors project that the global aging population will rise from 10 percent to 20 percent in the next three decades. Such demographics trend reflects a tremendous decrease of skilled labour force.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on W ar for Talent specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The growth economies entirely hinge on the magnitude and superiority of the available workforce. Therefore, the foreseen decrease in qualified talents will lead to loss of human capital in many multinational corporations that drive the economies of many nations, both in the developing and developed world. As well, such loss of human capital will pose a very serious risk for growing and emerging economies. The demographic patterns of the world have also changed variably in nearly every geographic region of the world. The major factors that have affected the demographic patterns include improved longevity, reduced birth rates, and governance laws on birth control. The above factors reflect a decline in the overall productive population in the next few decades (Spitulnik 2009). Further research has revealed that, if the demographic trend continues, there will reach a time when the elderly pe ople will have to remain in the workforce for considerably more years than today. The author reveals that several countries have changed the retirement laws for future economic security. For instance, China is the magnitude of local talents has reduced in the past five years due to higher retirement rates than the employment rates. The situation has forced employers to hire experts from other countries to supplement the low number of existing local workforce (Levy, Beechler, Taylor, Boyacigiller 2007). Skills Gap and Diversity Irrespective of the declining workforce, there is still an outsized worldwide population of both literate and illiterate people that does meet the minimum threshold for employment (Levy et al. 2007). The quest for tech-savvy workforce to take hold of technologically aligned employment positions in computing, information technology, and most engineering industries has created a questionable skills gap. The authors attest that there is a global shortage of tech nologists to take on employment in automated industries due to insufficiency of high-level technology skills. Moreover, the diversification of global business firms and industries has raised the demand for all-round workforce that can adjust to different business environments with little or no challenges. Workers participating in international business affairs have to acquire diverse proficiency skills in disciplines such as culture relations, information technology, linguistics, and general enterprise skills. Furthermore, contemporary multinational companies thrive in a world that is highly globalized (Larkan 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mobility of Talents Because of globalisation, Levy et al. (2007) reveals that most international regulations that govern emigration have been waivered to pave a way for business activities across the different spheres of the globe. The loosening of emigration laws has challenged individuals worldwide to venture into global labour markets. As a result, there has been mobility of talents from one country to another as individuals get employment both in mainland or overseas countries. Ng (2013) claims that globalisation has eased the process of hiring brilliant talents from foreign countries. In the aforementioned, China and Japan are leading examples in the importation of the labour force to fill in their employment gaps due to their state of declining productive population. Many researchers have posited that mobility because of the war for talent has led to elevated emigration rates (Levy et al. 2007). This phenomenon has resulted in â€Å"brain drain†for the majority of the talented workers who leave their own countries for employment in foreign nations. However, in a number of cases, some countries, especially in the Unites States, have encouraged the need for â€Å"talent flow†, contrary to â€Å"brain drain†. This practice has promoted the return of skills to home countries in order to boost local talents. Integration of Mobility and Global Talent Undoubtedly, mobility is an important business opportunity that many leaders highly prioritise. Ju (2013) speculates that the magnitude of globally mobile workforce will rise significantly in the next 5 years. There is a need for business leaders to integrate mobility and global talents in order to compensate for skill gaps. Multinational organisations have to develop new leaders and acquaint them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to establish new markets. The importance of integrating mobility and global talents is to nurture future talents that can save the global economy from suffering enormous losses due to skill gap. In a survey conducted by Chambers et al. (1998) to seek opinions on global mobility, the authors revealed that 61 percent of the respondents perceived global mobility as a crucial strategy for developing their talents and life careers. Apparently, 38 percent suggested that progressive global mobility could become more important for multinationals if business leaders could give the idea much more weight. According to Martin (2013), business leaders need to understand the importance of integrating mobility and talents in an attempt to improve global talent competency. Development of Talents According to Klein (2013), there are potential recruits for diverse employment opportunities worldwide. However, the challenge of recruiting and retaining such potential employees is the biggest question from many organisations. Researchers have revealed that there is a global pool of university graduates, who bear unreliable expertise for industria l and/or commercial activities. As a result, some organisations have sought new ways of maintaining their personnel through talent development. For instance, McDonnell (2011) reveals the Asian case where leaders emphasize the development of employee talents more than in any other place on the globe. A survey conducted by Levy et al. (2007) revealed that over 60 percent of the companies in Asian countries reported less satisfaction experienced from the performance of new employees. As a result, these companies advocate for the development of employee skills in order to nurture and maintain their talents. This strategy builds the companies’ confidence in the performance of their employees, and thus enhances the need to retain them. Besides Asia, other countries such as China, India, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe have recently embraced the development of talents for employees. Concisely, the development of talents develops the overall specialisation skills a nd experience of employees. Hence, it improves both personal and organisational performance (Spitulnik 2011). The Local War on Talent War for talent is not only a challenge at the global arena but also an impasse at the local level. Many local companies have also found themselves in the fight for skilled professionals to take on crucial managerial positions (Levy et al. 2007). The local companies are as good as the multinational corporations. While the multinational corporations rule the global economy, the local business firms and enterprises run the regional economy. A major challenge that faces the local companies is the mobility of talents to foreign countries. Many companies underpay their skilled workforce owing to varying economic status quos for diverse countries across the globe. Consequently, skilled workers seek better compensations from the global labour market. To a considerable extent, mobility deprives the local companies of competent talents. Ng (2013) confirms that there is improper coordination of local talents in many countries across continents. There is a misalignment of the education system with the employment sector. So many scholars graduate from local universities only to miss their career job opportunities due to unavailable opportunities for their pursued degree programme. Others end up in underemployment in very different sectors that do not match with their learned skills. Leaders of local companies have to develop and retain local talents in order to foster job specialisation and adequacy of the required skills. Conclusion The war for talent remains an inevitable practice for multinational companies. Local companies have no exception too. The competition for experts is the determinant for the accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives. Therefore, worldwide multinational companies will continue investing huge sums of their finances to facilitate the recruitment of talented workforce through rigorous examination of their skills and leadership abilities. In addition, the mobility of talents is an ever-growing phenomenon as companies seek talents from the best workforce developers of the world. China, in particular, is the world’s leading importer of talents due to its state of declining population. Researchers and policymakers have to deliberate on the best ways that companies could use in order to integrate global talents and mobility. Development of proper strategies and approaches to talent management is unavoidable for the success of both local and global businesses. Reference List Burkus, D Osula, B 2011, ‘Faulty Intel in the War for Talent: Replacing the Assumptions of Talent Management with Evidence-based Strategies’, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, vol. 3 no. 2, pp. 1-9. Chambers, E.G, Foulon, M, Handfield-Jones, H, Hankin, M Michaels, G 1998, ‘The War for Talent’, The McKinsey Quarterly, vol. 1 no. 3, pp. 44-57. Ju, S 2013, ‘Global Talent War 2 .0: From â€Å"Hiring†to â€Å"Utilization†’, SERI Quarterly, vol. 6 no. 1, pp. 79-82. Klein, S 2013, ‘If you want to survive the talent war†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, Smart Business Houston, vol. 8 no. 7, pp.11-11. Larkan, K 2009, Winning the Talent War: The 8 Essentials, Marshall Cavendish Business, Singapore. Levy, O, Beechler, S, Taylor, S Boyacigiller, N 2007, ‘What we talk about when we talk about ‘global mindset’: managerial cognition in multinational corporations’, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 38 no. 2, pp. 231–258. Martin, A 2013, ‘New War on Talent’, Leadership Excellence, vol. 30 no.9, p. 7. McDonnell, A 2011, ‘Still Fighting the ‘War for Talent’? Bridging the Science Versus Practice Gap’, Journal of Business Psychology, vol. 26 no. 2, pp. 169-173. Ng, T 2013, ‘The global war for talent: responses and challenges in the Singapore higher education systemâ€⠄¢, Journal of Higher Education Policy Management, vol. 35 no. 3, pp. 280-292. Spitulnik, J 2006, ‘Cognitive development needs and performance in and aging workforce’, Organization Development Journal, vol. 24 no. 3, pp. 44–53. This essay on War for Talent was written and submitted by user Yusuf Robinson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Analysis of What a Girl Wants essays
Analysis of What a Girl Wants essays The movie What A Girl Wants could be said to be a modern take on Pygmalion. It focuses mainly on the relationship of Daphne Reynolds and her parents. Because Daphnes dad was not in their lives, Daphne and her mothers relationship is very close. Although they are a single- parent family they could be classified as a traditional single- parent family, where once the male is gone that role is delegated to the mother. In some occasions the roles reverse and the child becomes the parent and the parent the child. The family in What a Girl Wants start out as a non- traditional, single- parent family and they end up as a typical nuclear family. The movie is mainly regarding Daphnes search for her dad and viewers get to see their relationship blossom. What A Girl Wants concentrates on the effect of society on individuals and situations. Daphne gets into many mishaps in England when she tries to fit in with what society expects of a person of her status. Peoples views affect families whether in reality or on screen. Daphne is expected to conform to what society decrees is proper behaviour; this has a negative impact on her relationship with her father who is a very important politician in the middle of elections. Daphnes mum and dad were also affected by societys views. When Daphnes dad- Henry who could be classified as upper- class and Daphnes mum- Libby who is classified as lower middle- class got married everyone (family members etc.) found their marriage to be unacceptable because of the difference in status. They felt that Henry had married below him and eventually their relationship ended because of that. In What a Girl Wants it is society that prevented relationships from happening. In Looking For Alibrandi it is the Itali an beliefs, customs and practices. But in both texts, the same results were achieved- separation. What A Girl Wants causes you to wonder whether your status, wealth ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tools for Drawing Simple Floor Plans
Tools for Drawing Simple Floor Plans Sometimes all a homeowner needs is a simple floor plan to help with remodeling and decorating projects. You might think that you could find some easy tools on the web, but first youll have to wade through all of the software intended for 3D design. These programs are overkill for a floor plan. Fortunately, there are a variety of easy-to-use online tools to help draw simple floor plans. Determine Your Needs Why do you want to draw a floor plan? A landlord may want to show the setup of an apartment to a prospective tenant. A realtor may use a floor plan to sell a property. A homeowner may draw a floor plan to better formulate remodeling ideas or to decide where to place furniture. In all of these cases, a floor plan is used for communication- to visually express the use of space. Dont think that a floor plan will let you build a house or make extensive remodeling decisions. A floor plan sketch can communicate spatial ideas from a homeowner to a contractor, but the person doing the construction is the one who knows where the bearing walls and shear walls are located. Floor plans suggest general ideas, not detailed specifications. Use the Right Tool A good home design software program will let you create some pretty fancy renderings with elevation drawings and 3D views. But what if you only require a general idea of where the walls and windows go? In that case, you dont really need high-powered software just to draw these shapes and lines. Using inexpensive (or free) apps and online tools, you can whip together a simple floor plan- the digital equivalent of a napkin sketch- and share your plan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks. Some tools will even let you collaborate with family and friends, providing an online page that everyone can edit. Mobile Apps for Drawing Floor Plans You wont need a computer to draw floor plans if you have a smartphone or tablet. A few of the most popular floor plan applications work on mobile devices. Browse the applications store for your device, and youll find a variety of options: RoomScan by Locometric would be fun to use even if you didnt need to draw a floor plan. Simply hold your iPhone or iPad up to an existing wall, wait for the beep, and calculations are made using the GPS and gyroscope functions. Like all apps, RoomScan is an evolving work-in-progress, moving toward its marketing goal of being The App That Draws Floor Plans By Itself.MagicPlan uses the camera and gyroscope functions of your mobile device to turn a 3D room into a 2D floor plan. The app also includes a tool to help you estimate the costs and materials for a project.Stanley Smart Connect, from Stanley Black Decker, is one of the first mobile apps by a major manufacturer. The Bluetooth-enabled program allows you to take measurements and design room plans using your smartphone. Online Tools for Drawing Floor Plans If youd rather work on a computer, the possibilities are almost limitless. Drawing floor plans on a big screen can make it easier to fiddle with the design. Online tools will let you create scale drawings to envision your remodeling and decorating projects- and most of these tools are free: FloorPlanner.com is free and allows users to create and save 2D and 3D designs. Pro and business memberships include additional tools for a fee.Gliffy Floor Plan Creator is a simple tool for drawing 2D floor plans that allows users to move around furniture and decor.SmartDraw is a graphics tool for creating flow charts, graphs, floor plans, and other diagrams.RoomSketcher is made for creating 2D and 3D floor plans. Basic features are free, but you have to pay a fee to use the advanced tools.EZ Blueprint is a simple program for Windows computers that allows users to generate basic floor plans and layouts. Designing on the Cloud Many of todays floor plan programs and applications are cloud-based. Simply, cloud-based means that the floor plan you design is stored on someone elses computer, not your own. When you use a cloud-based tool, you provide details such as your name, email address, and where you live. Never give out information that you feel violates your safety or privacy. Choose tools that youre comfortable with. As you explore cloud-based tools for drawing floor plans, also think about whether youd like to print out a copy of your design. Some cloud-based tools can be viewed online only. If youd like to make copies, look for software or apps that will allow you to download projects onto your own computer. Despite these concerns, theres a lot to love about drawing on the cloud. Cloud-based programs and applications are wonderful for creating designs that can be easily shared. Some tools allow multiple users to work on the same design, so you can ask friends and family to make suggestions and changes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Citationland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Citationland - Essay Example The citations aim to prove the underlying message of promoting and reinforcing women’s subjugation through teaching the centrality of marriage to women’s identities and destinies, as if marriage is the only thing that can and should make them feel happy and successful in life. Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella and she had two ugly step sisters who were very unkind who made her do all the hard work. She had to sweep the floors, do all the dishes, while they dressed up in fine clothes and went to lots of parties.1 One day a special invitation arrived at Cinderellas house. It was from the royal palace. The kings only son was a truly handsome prince was going to have a grand ball. Three girls were invited to come. Cinderella knew she wouldnt be allowed to go to the ball. But the ugly sisters, ho ho ho, they were excited. They couldnt talk about anything else.2 When the day of the ball came, they made such a fuss. Poor Cinderella had to rush about upstairs and downstairs. She fixed their hair in fancy waves and curls. She helped them put on their expensive new dresses. And she arranged their jewels just so. As soon as they had gone, Cinderella sat down by the fire and she said. "Oh I do wish I could go to the ball".3 The next moment, standing beside her was a lovely old lady with a silver wand4 in here hand. "Cinderella, she said " I am your fairy godmother and you shall go to the ball. But first you must go into the garden and pick a golden pumpkin, then bring me six mice from the mousetraps, a whiskered rat from the rat trap, and six lizards. Youll find the lizards behind the watering can. So Cinderella fetched a golden pumpkin, six grey mice, a whiskered rat, six lizards. The fairy godmother touched them with her wand and the pumpkin became a golden coach, the mice became six grey horses, the rat
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Obligation Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Obligation Assessment - Essay Example The case is having a history which is stated below. Plaintiffs one and two were married during 1986 and wished to buy a weekend house which they were ready to procure if no excessive repairs were required. They had seen the house Nutford Farm House, Blandford, Dorset. Both the plaintiffs were happy with the house and wished to buy it. Mrs. Marrow conducted the survey on it and sent her report stating that there is no requirement for much repairs and stated some defects were seen in that house. The plaintiffs were willing to buy a house at a cost up to  £170,000, but were not ready to spend any more for repair. Depending and trusting the report forwarded by Mrs. Morrow, the couple decided to buy Nutford Farm House. The asking cost for the house was set at  £175,000, as there was another client ready to buy it offering a price of  £177,500 and the couple bought the property. The situation changed after entering for living in that house. The hide out stated as â€Å"overall dwell ing house to be sound, stable and in good condition†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.3) by Mrs. Morrow turned out to be a structure requiring much monetary expense for normal make up. The â€Å"eradication of wood borer in roofing timbers†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.3) was actually necessitating â€Å"the roof was due for renewal with felting, rebattening and retiling†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.4) and â€Å"minor works of eradicating continued dampness in ground floor walls†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.4) was actually shown as â€Å"the first floor timbers needed specialist woodworm treatment and refixing of firring pieces with extensive renewal of floor boarding†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.4) also with other works which were not mentioned in Mrs. Morrow’s report of survey. This indicates the fact â€Å"surveyors report negligently failing to disclose defects†(Stephen, Ralph & Bingham, 1991, p.1) whi ch should be trialled under
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Effects of Fast Food Essay Example for Free
Effects of Fast Food Essay INTRODUCTION Junk food is typically defined as foods with little nutritional value that are high in calories, fat, sugar, salt, or caffeine. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages. The convenience, price and predictability of fast food makes it a frequent meal choice for many people. However, as consumption of fast food has risen over the last three decades, so too have occurrences of several health issues and diseases related to fast food and unhealthy eating habits. Eaten regularly, fast food can put you at an increased risk for developing diabetes, heart disease or obesity. The fast food industry in India has evolved with the changing lifestyles of young Indian population. The sheer variety of gastronomic preferences across the regions has brought about different modules across the country. Many of the traditional dishes have adapted to suit the emerging fast food outlets. The basic adaption is to decrease the processing and serving time. HEALTH EFFECTS A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute (2008) suggested that junk food consumption alters brains activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. The increase of junk food is directly associated with the increase in obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, tooth decay, and other diseases. Fast Food Contributes to Obesity Fast food is a major contributor to rising occurrences of obesity. Calorie-laden fast food meals can contain nearly a full days worth of calories and fat and, eaten regularly, can increase your chances of obesity. According to CBS News Health Watch, almost one-third of U.S children between the ages of 4 and 19 consume fast food which, depending on the regularity which with fast food is eaten, can cause a 6-pound weight increase per year. Fast Food increases Diabetes Along with obesity, consumption of fast food has been linked to an increased chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 2 Diabetes, either your body is unable to regulate blood sugar with insulin, or is unable to produce insulin. Increased body fat, along with a high-sugar and high-carbohydrate diet, can increase your bodys resistance to insulin, which monitors your blood sugar levels. An article published by the US Department of Health and Human Services states that people who ate fast food two or more times per week were twice as likely to experience insulin resistance. Fast Food is High in Sodium Fast food is typically very high in sodium. A large order of fast food french fries can contain as much as 30% of your daily value of sodium. While important to consume in small amounts, a diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, a potential precursor to heart disease. As excess sodium builds up in your bloodstream, your heart must work harder to pump blood successfully, which can cause hypertension and high blood pressure. Regularly consuming foods high in sodium can greatly increase your chances of developing high blood pressure. Fast Food is Low in Nutrients Many fast food are low in nutrients. Hamburgers served on white bread, french fries and other high-carbohydrate sides and fried or high-fat meats are common fast food menu items, and all lack important nutrients such as vitamins found in fresh produce, fiber found in whole grains and protein served without added fat. Foods which are high in sugar and carbohydrates but low in nutrients are also often less filling than healthier options, and can lead to overeating. Furthermore, non-nutritious fast food several times per week can impact your energy levels and mood, and may put you at risk for vitamin deficiency. Harmful Effects of Junk Food * The regular consumption of junk food is the leading factor in obesity and excess weight. * Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death in America. * 46% of Canadian adults are either overweight or obese, with obesity in children increasing three-fold over the past 2 decades. * Consumption of Aerated drinks containing sugar has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes. * Studies have revealed that obese people have twice the rate of chronic health problems as people of normal weight. * Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases. * High cholesterol resulting from junk food puts undue strain on the liver, causing long-term damage to this essential organ. * Research has suggested that diets high in fat may also impair essential brain functions, like concentration and memory. The junk food facts about Aerated drinks alone are alarming. There is compelling evidence that regular consumption of Aerated drinks leads to Increased rates of: * Bone fracture * Osteoporosis * Weight gain and obesity * Type II Diabetes * Kidney stones * Tooth decay and other dental problems ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am deeply indebted to my Economics teacher, Mrs. Payal Mathur, without whose help this project would not have been possible. The success of this project depends largely on the encouragement and guidance provided by Mrs. Payal Mathur. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I cant thank them enough for their tremendous support and sparing their valuable time. I would like to thank the people of my colony, my friends and relatives who were my respondents and painstakingly filled the questionnaires. The guidance and support received from all my family members who contributed to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant support and help. Last but not the least, I also acknowledge the effort put in by my elder sister Miss Upasna Handa in compiling the project. BIBLIOGRAPHY INFORMATION: * www.google.com * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junk_food * http://facts.randomhistory.com/interesting-facts-about-junk-food.html * http://www.livestrong.com/article/497521-facts-about-the-dangers-of-eating-fast-food/ PICTURES: * www.google.com JUNK FOOD FACTS CHILDREN * The junk food industry deliberately targets children as young as 2 in a bid to create brand preference and lifelong loyalty. * Advertisers question kids and tap into their play to create ads and products with guaranteed child-appeal. Fast food chains use the lure of free toys to get kids to persuade their parents to spend. A desirable toy can double or triple weekly sales of kids’ meals. And every child brings along at least one adult too. * Flavorings and colorings can cause asthma, rashes and hyperactivity. Many countries – but not the UK – ban them from children’s food. JUNK FOOD FACTS – AERATEDDRINKS * The metal can costs more than the ingredients, which are primarily water mixed with additives, sugar or sweetener, and caffeine. A can of cola contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. * Aerated drinks are aggressively marketed by fast food chains, because they are so profitable, at around 97% profit on the price per cup. The bigger the cup, the greater the profit. * In the US, average adult consumption of Aerated drinks is around 500 cans a year. * Twenty per cent of American under-2s are given Aerated drinks – laden with sugar and additives – every day. DISGUSTING JUNK FOOD FACTS ABOUT THE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE * Canned spaghetti A helping of carbohydrate, salt and sugar, with virtually no fibre, anyone? * Chicken nuggets Low cost nuggets are cheap because they contain as little as 16% pulped chicken, bulked out with water, chicken skin, proteins removed from bone, hide, or poultry feathers, mechanically retrieved meat; plus the ubiquitous sugar, additives and salt. They also contain bulking agents used to soak up the water that’s injected into chicken to increase the weight – and the profit. Minced meat can hid a multitude of revolting ‘extras’ : carcinogenic antibiotics, recycled cat food, and poultry mixed with beef proteins have all been found in chicken destined for the production line. * Chocolate muffin Ruinously high in sugar, and made with the big baddie of the junk food industry, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil which has zero nutritional value, and damages heart and arteries. * Fries Fat-packed and low in nutrients. May be coated with additives and salt. * Fruit yoghurts, ready-made sauces, fruit drinks, baby foods – and more†¦ Modified starches, along with colorings and flavorings, mimic the texture of fresh fruit and veg, so that manufacturers’ can use less of the real thing. They also mask rancid flavors’ and smells. * Milkshakes A simple-sounding ingredient, like ‘artificial strawberry flavor’ can in itself contain around 50 chemicals. And not one single strawberry. What’s in some of that Junk Food? * One teaspoon of sugar is extracted from a stalk of sugarcane one metre in length! * A super-sized order of McDonalds fries contains 610 calories and 29 grams of fat. * A king-sized order of Burger Kings fries packs 590 calories and 30 grams of fat. * A king-sized Burger King meal, (Double Whopper with cheese, large fries and large drink) contains 1,800 calories (mostly derived from fat and refined sugar). To ‘burn’ these calories would take nearly 6 hours of cycling (at 20 miles per hour). Junk Food Advertising * The food industry spends over $33 billion per year in the US alone to advertise food products that could be classified as junk food. * The majority of food advertising during children’s television programming is for sweetened cereals, Aerated drinks, candy, processed snacks and fast foods. * The average American child sees around 20,000 ads a year for junk food. * Over 90% of American children eat at McDonald’s at least once per month. * American teenagers drink an average of 760 can of soda pop per year (with boys drinking about 25% more than girls). * The average American of any age drinks over 500 cans of Aerated drinks per year. * Nearly 20% of children under 2 years of age are given Aerated drinks every day in America! * The average person today consumes more sugar in two weeks than a person a century ago would have eaten in a whole year. Thats a junk food fact!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Herbal Extracts And Hormones :: essays research papers fc
Herbal Extracts and Hormones      Herbs are found everywhere, and hormones are a natural product of everyone's body. The production of hormones increases and decreases with the age and development of the individual. Due to the nature of hormones and the ongoing research still being done, this article will investigate only two hormones that are in common use by the everyday person.      Herbs, on the other hand, can be found from California to China and as far as consumers are concerned, they are now mainstream products that can be found in supermarkets and drug stores world wide. Healing plants and herbs are used by over ninety percent of the world's people. Mowry, pgs.1-11 In the United States, with the introduction of herbal capsules and pills, people are enjoying the benefits of Earth's good medicines. The herb industry has been growing at about thirty percent per year for the past several years. Herbs are being used in homes, for more than just spicing the sauce or glazing the chicken. Herbs are being used as an alternative for medications as well. In the coming years, we may see the introduction of newer and better medicinal herbs as scientists Mowry pgs. 26-27 continue their search for the cures of all aches and pains.      In past years, herbs were used for pains and aches. These herbs are making a comeback because they have fewer side effects than regular medicine. An example is willow bark Mowry, pgs. 43-49 which is being used instead of aspirin. Aspirin was made from the active ingredient in willow bark. However, people are using willow bark instead of aspirin because it does not cause the stomach to bleed as aspirin does.      Ginkgo is being sold as a leading prescription drug in Germany and most countries in Europe. Takagi, pgs. 96-101 This herb is growing in usage in this country as more people age. It has been used in Asia for countless generations. There is a growing body of evidence, as research continues, that points to the outstanding effects of the Gingko tree on many age-related disorders or sicknesses. This herb is reported to increase the ability of the blood circulation system. It is a powerful medicine for the treatment of restoring of a person's memory. Tagki, pgs. 3-10      A tea made from the Passion Flower or Valerian Root is used to calm a person or relieve anxiety. These are thousand year old medicines used as tranquilizers. They have fewer side effects and don't damage the body as Valium or other man made tranquilizers. It is almost impossible to over dose on these types of nerve calmer.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Challenges Faced by Fisrt Year Students Essay
You are expected to submit the pre-writing stage before final submission of the essay The pre-writing stage should be a clear outline of how you are going to write your final essay and an annotated bibliography of not less than five sources.. The purpose of the assignment is to; 1. help you develop the ability to research, reflect on and write an academic essay 2. develop the ability to integrate sources ( i.e. direct quotes, paraphrases and summaries) in your work to demonstrate your perspective on the assignment topic 3. The paper should be written in an academic writing format and should be word processed, font Roman Times or calibri, size 12, line spacing 1.5 and not more than one and a half pages long. 4. The paper should be well researched and thought-provoking. All sources from which your information was obtained should be properly cited using the APA style, and a reference list written at the end of the paper. 5. The reference list should be in a separate page Choose any of the following topics and write an academic essay. 1. Is the law that prohibits the use of cellular phones while driving in Botswana fair? 2. Why is the media important in society? 3. To what extent does the mass media (TV, radio and newspapers) influence an individual’s personality? 4. Damage of the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss 5. 6. 7. 8. What are the challenges faced by students at university level that may lead to poor performance. Discuss the different ways through which poverty can be eradicated What is culture? Discuss the different elements of culture. Exams often do little more than measure a person’s ability to take exams so exams should be abolished in favour of another form of assessment 9. Evaluate the importance of a counseling centre in a university 10. What is the difference between sex and gender? What are gender roles? Deadline for pre-writing stage: 03 March Due date: 08 March
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Env410 Toxicology Worksheet
University of Phoenix Material Toxicology Worksheet 1. Identify the different resources available for your learning in this course. Available resources during this course includes two textbooks; â€Å"Introduction to ecotoxicology,†and â€Å"A textbook of modern toxicology. †Additional resources include various videos, complimentary transcripts to the videos, supplemental readings, the UOP online Library, and web searches. 2. Define toxicology.Toxicology is defined as that branch of science dealing with poisons. According to Hodgson (2010), a â€Å"poison can be defined as any substance that causes a harmful effect when administered, either by accident or by design, to a living organism†(p. 3). Toxicology also includes the study of harmful effects caused by physical phenomena, such as radiation of various kinds, noise,†and â€Å"the study of the detection, occurrence, properties, effects, and regulation of toxic substances,†(Hodgson, 2010, p. 3) .Rarely defined as a single molecular event, toxicity involves a cascade of events, which start with exposure, and proceeds through distribution and metabolism, and ends with the interaction of cellular macromolecules (such as DNA, or protein) and the expression of a toxic endpoint (Hodgson, 2010). 3. Define environmental toxicology. According to Hodgson (2010), environmental toxicology evaluates the movement of toxicants and their metabolites and degradation products in the environment and in food chains, and with the effect of such contaminants on individuals and, especially, populations†(p. ). A specific area of environmental toxicology dealing with the work environment is industrial toxicology (Hodgson, 2010). 4. What is the difference between environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology? The difference between environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology is that the latter integrates the effects of stressors across all levels of biological organization from the molecular, to whole communities and ecosystems. In contrast, environmental toxicology focuses upon environmental toxic effects (Silverstars, 2010). 5.What knowledge can be gained from dose-response relationships? Dose-response relationships are used to determine a dose-response curve, which quantifies the acute toxicity of a chemical. Dose-response relationships are established by comparing the dose of the administered chemical and the resulting response of the organism. Affects are recorded at defined periods of time after dosing occurs. A dose-response curve is a result of the plotted results, creating various segments. Segment I, has no slope and represents doses of the toxicant that do not evoke mortality.Segment II, represents the doses that affect only the most susceptible members of the exposed population, generally a small percentage. Segment III, reflects the doses at which the majority of the population eliciting some response to the toxicant, and is the steepest slope of all segments. Segment IV, identifies the doses of the toxicant that are toxic to even the most tolerant organisms of the population, which are generally high doses of the toxicant. Segment V, represents the doses at which all of the exposed organisms are affected, and has no slope (Hodgson, 2010).The LD50 of the toxicant is determined by using a well-defined dose-response data, logarithms and percentage effect to determine the probable units. 6. Why are the shape and slope of a dose-response curve important? The shape and slope of a dose-response curve is important because the dose-response curves are used to derive dose estimates of chemical substances. The slope of the linearized data set from a dose-response curve provides information on the specificity of the toxicant. Steep slope elicit toxicity, whereas, shallow slopes elicit nonspecific toxicity.The dose-response line also allows one to estimate the threshold dose, by defining the lowest dose expected to elicit a response. The threshold d ose is one that is lower than the greatest dose at which no affect is detected. This is generally between segments I and II (Hodgson, 2010). 7. What role do they play in environmental toxicology? This helps put toxins into exposure classes. This allows scientist to determine what level the toxins are lethal, or what levels may help prevent undesired medical conditions, such as cancer.These levels are used for regulatory purposes as well, to minimize exposure to harmful toxins and their effects on human health and the environment (Hodgson, 2010). 8. Explain LD50. LD50 refers to the dose level (concentration level) of a toxic substance (poison) required to obtain a lethal dose that kills 50% of a population under stated conditions, such as the controlled variables of the study. This level is typically normalized to the weight of the animal (milligram chemical/kilogram body weight), and the measure of acute toxicity is used to assign of toxicity to the given chemical (Hodgson, 2010). 9 . Explain LD10.LD10 refers to the dose level (concentration level) of a toxic substance (poison) required to obtain a lethal dose that kills 10% of a population under stated conditions, such as the controlled variables of the study. This level is also typically normalized to the weight of the animal (milligram chemical/kilogram body weight), and the measure of acute toxicity is used to assign of toxicity to the given chemical (Hodgson, 2010). Review the following chart and answer the following questions: Based on LD10, which toxicant is more potent? Why? Based on LD10, toxicant B is more potent because the death rate of 70% is higher than 60%.Based on LD50, which toxicant is more potent? Why? Based on LD50, toxicant B is more potent because the death rate of 85% is higher than 70%. At what dose do these toxicants have the same percentage lethality? The dose at which these toxicants have the same percentage of lethality is 0. 5mg because that dose puts the death rate for both Toxican t A and Toxicant B at 40%. Toxicology Chart DoseToxicant AToxicant B mg/kg% lethality% lethality 0. 012025 0. 052530 0. 13035 0. 54040 14550 55565 106070 507085 1007595 50095105 1,000100107 5,000105108 10,000107109
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Largest Countries by Population in 2100
The Largest Countries by Population in 2100 In 2017, the United Nations Population Division released its World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, a set of population projections out to the year 2100 for the planet Earth and for individual countries. The United Nations expects the global population- 7.6 billion as of 2017- to reach 11.2 billion by the year 2100. The report placed current population growth at 83 million people per year. Key Takeaways: The Most Populous Countries in 2100 The U.N. expects the current global population of 7.6 billion to reach 11.2 billion in 2100. Most population growth is expected to take place in a small group of countries, including India, Nigeria, the United States, and Tanzania. In many other parts of the globe, fertility rates are declining, and populations are expected to see little or negative growth. Migration- driven by the effects of climate change and other challenges- is expected to play a larger role in demographic changes over the next century. The United Nations looked at population growth both globally and at the country level. Of the 10 largest countries, Nigeria is growing the fastest and is expected to have a population of nearly 800 million by 2100, making it even larger than the United States. By 2100, the U.N. predicts that only India and China will be larger than Nigeria. The Most Populous Countries in 2100 Current population growth varies wildly from country to country, and the list of the most populous nations in the world is expected to look much different by the turn of the next century. Ranking Country 2100 Population Current Population (2018) 1 India 1,516,597,380 1,354,051,854 2 China 1,020,665,216 1,415,045,928 3 Nigeria 793,942,316 195,875,237 4 United States 447,483,156 326,766,748 5 Democratic Republic of the Congo 378,975,244 84,004,989 6 Pakistan 351,942,931 200,813,818 7 Indonesia 306,025,532 266,794,980 8 Tanzania 303,831,815 59,091,392 9 Ethiopia 249,529,919 107,534,882 10 Uganda 213,758,214 44,270,563 These U.N. projections are based on national censuses and survey data from around the world. They were compiled by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. The full data is available for download in a customized Excel spreadsheet. Compared to current population estimates and 2050 population projections, note the high number of African countries on this list (five out of the top 10). While population growth rates are expected to decline in most countries in the world, African countries by 2100 may not experience much reduction in population growth at all. Even some countries whose growth rates are expected to decline will still become much larger, as their growth rates are already relatively high. Most notably, Nigeria is expected to become the third most populous country in the world, a spot long held by the United States of America. Of the five most populous nations in 2100, five are expected to be African countries. About half of the worlds population growth over the next 30 years is expected to take place in only nine countries: India, Nigeria, the Congo, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, the United States, Uganda, and Indonesia. Reasons for Population Growth In developed nations around the world- including England, France, and Japan- fertility rates are declining, reducing overall population growth. However, some of the decline in growth is being mitigated by longer life expectancies, which have risen to 69 years for men and 73 years for women. The global increase in life expectancies is due to multiple factors, including a reduction in child mortality rates and improved treatment for HIV/AIDS and other diseases. In most developed nations, populations are expected to see minimal or negative growth over the next century. Diminished fertility rates will result in aging populations, with people over the age of 60 making up about 35 percent of Europes population (they currently make up only 25 percent). Meanwhile, the number of people over the age of 80 is expected to increase as well. By 2100, the U.N. predicts there will be about 900 million people in this age cohort around the globe, nearly seven times as many as there are now. Another reason for shifting populations, the U.N. notes, is migration, and the Syrian refugee crisis, in particular, is expected to substantially increase the populations of Syrias neighbors, including Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. Migration is also expected to take place in other parts of the globe, much of it driven by the effects of climate change. As rising temperatures disrupt ecosystems and increase food insecurity, more and more populations will be displaced, causing demographic changes in affected areas. A 2018 report by the World Bank found that worsening climate change could cause more than 140 million people to become climate migrants by 2050.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Careless Human Environmental Destruction
Careless Human Environmental Destruction For many reasons the human race could be called a blessing. Great advanced in technology, medicine and even the fact we are the most sophisticated species on the planet. Are we a gift to planet Earth, or far from it? With cast amounts of pollution and destruction of the planet, not to mention unthinkable acts of violence and hate that has been going on since the beginning of time. Are we really as sophisticated and important as we have led ourselves to believe? Are we any better than any other creature because we are more technologically advanced? Is the human race a blessing? Humans have destroyed and endangered more species on our planet than any other species or group, with our continuous pollution and lack of respect for out own environment. One area of the world affected by our careless habits is our coastlines and the marine habitats that vast amounts of species rely on. These particular areas of the world are being destroyed because humans don’t seem to care as long as they make a couple of dollars in the process. Oil spills like the one in the Prince William Sound on the coast of Alaska and Hawaiian sea turtles and their many troubles with humans are just some examples of human carelessness and the consequences that the environment, particularly marine wildlife incur, which often are fatal. I chose this particular subject because I find the ocean and it’s unique and rare inhabitants to be interesting. Every coastline has its one unique species and no two areas are the same. I wanted to learn more about how humans are destroying the habitats of these unique creatures. I found that all species are in someway being threatened by human dominance and carelessness. From the common flounder or sea star you can find when you walk across the beach to a rare fish like the coelacanth (prehistoric fish that was believed to be extinct until one was caught off the coat of Madagascar by a local commercial fisherman until in the 1950’s). The ocean can be a calm and loving but can easily turn into a vicious killer within seconds. All of these things are what I find so interesting about the ocean. I wanted to find out why people can continue to destroy it even though they know the effect of their actions. I guess some people are ignorant and just don’t care if they destroy the things that make our environment so beautiful. One example of our careless destruction of our environment is the Exxon Valdez oil spill off the coast of Alaska in 1989. The Prince William Sound still shows signs of the oil spill tem years later. Most species have recovered since the spill, but many are still suffering. The Harbor Seal and herring are just two who are vital to the survival of all the species in the area. Herring are the main source of food for many species in the area, including humans. (Mitchell, p.98) â€Å"The ecosystem is gradually recovering from the spill,†says Molly McCammon, an Executive director of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, â€Å"but it will never be the same as it was twenty years ago.†The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council was founded to oversee the use of nine hundred million dollars to the area by the government after settling with the Exxon Company for one billion dollars in criminal and civil damages. One serious problem in the aftermath of Exxon Valdez is the decline of herring. (The table shows the chave in populations of Prince William Sound before and after the Exxon Valdez spill.)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Servant Leadership Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Servant Leadership Reflection - Essay Example Secondly, servant leadership might lead to the failure of an organization to achieve its goals. Servant leadership focuses on enhancing growth at both organizational and community level, which hinders centralized growth in the firm (Schaap, 2008). Finally, servant leadership can demean the leadership role of the management in the organization. This servant leadership can cause laxity at the workplace because it eliminates the leadership at the workplace (Schaap, 2008). There is comfort working under servant leadership style because it promotes unity in the organization. In addition, servant leadership enables managers to experience the status of the working conditions of their employees. This type of leadership creates a good working atmosphere among the subordinate workers and the managers. In addition, it is essential to enhancing the public relations of the organization and production of quality products. Consequently, I would be comfortable using the system (Hammer, 2012). Today’s global society is characterized by the used of advanced technology in all sectors of an organization. The technology enables individuals to share their views regarding the operations of the company. In addition, the modern global society focuses mainly on the corporate social responsibility, which is achievable through servant leadership (Hammer, 2012). Servant leadership is a real leadership approach in the modern society. It enables organizations to relate effectively with the communities through production of high-quality products and corporate social initiatives. In addition, it creates a platform where employees obtain motivation from the leaders that are essential in enhancing productivity and profitability of the organization (Schaap,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Ethics - Assignment Example The management has developed workplace policy that is based on the organizational philosophy, code of conduct, and mission statement. This policy is then incorporated into the organization’s performance management program in order to hold workers accountable for all their actions and warn them to adhere to the set professional standards when interacting with their colleagues and supervisors and when undertaking their duties. The management ensures that all employees sign an acknowledgement form indicating that they have read and understood the company’s ethics policy. This is to ensure that every worker fully understands the set ethical standards that should be adhered within the organization and failure to do this, the management takes appropriate actions upon the involved worker (Appelbaum, Deguire & Lay, 2005). Secondly, the organization evaluates all employees on ethical behavior in order to prevent expansion of unethical behaviors in the workplace which can negatively affect the firm’s production. Personal interviews is one of useful tools that the management uses to assess employees’ attributes such as ability to socialize with others, problem solving skills, communication skills, and characters. The management also evaluates demonstrated work ethics of employees against a checklist. It makes use of an employee performance assessment that has section like â€Å"Attendance, Dependability and Availability,†â€Å"Judgment,†and â€Å"Integrity†. This makes it easier for the management to measure and evaluate various concepts such as employee’s integrity. Work productivity and attendance are highly monitored. Working upon set hours and showing up shows that an employee has ethical behavior and integrity (Peterson, 2002). Employees who comes to work late and leaves early are termed as lacking ethics. Before taking final action, the management first meets with employees with
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Specialty Demos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Specialty Demos - Essay Example The patient information comes from different areas of care including laboratory investigations, diagnosis, pharmaceutical and nursing services. As a result, the data entry in an oncology EHR can be done and accessed by only the medics, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and nurses within a given setting of care. Thus, it is a hospital system that combines multiple systems from different departments making the clinical documentation complex. On the contrary, the NextGen Ambulatory EHR is designed for use in ambulatory settings (www.nextgen.com). It is an ongoing collection of patient medical records of care over an extended period for the disease management and prevention. The patient information is internal to the practice as opposed to the oncology hospital EHR where many people share information. In addition, the NextGen Ambulatory EHR is web-based, does not require accreditation to be adopted and can be accessed anywhere. Despite the differences, some aspects such as privacy and security standards are required for both the HER
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Distinguished From Combinations Of Words English Language Essay
Distinguished From Combinations Of Words English Language Essay Composition as a way of word-formation was very productive since Old English period and remains one of the most active types of word-building in Modern English. More than one third of neologisms in English are compound words. The goal of this research is to investigate what is a compound word, how it is built and how it can be distinguished from combinations of words. Enabling Objectives: to study the theory of the topic; to analyze gathered information; to draw relevant conclusions The hypothesis of the given work is that compounds play enormous role in English word formation. The methods of research Theoretical method (reading and analysing the theory of the word-formation in English language, composition); Practical method (searching compounds in Old English, and using Review of the literature : All the materials used by the author while doing this research were theoretical. Compounds and their criteria Compound words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:108). There are compound words among all notional parts of speech, but mostly among nouns and adjectives: synchronic word-formation system of English has a nominal character. Compound words are inseparable vocabulary units which are formally and semantically dependent on their components and relations between them. In Old English domineering structural patters of composition were: noun + noun, adjective + noun, noun + adjective. Here are some examples: Ä «s (ice, noun) + ceald (cold, adjective) = Ä «s-ceald (ice-cold, compound) [Online 1] In Middle English period compound nouns were numerous, for example tablecloth, penknife. New compounds consisted of preposition All the existing classifications of compound words represent a modified classification of Old Sanskrit Grammar where nominative compound words are subdivided into copulative (woman-doctor), determinative (air-mail) and exocentric (cut-throat) which are not typical of the English language. As English compounds consist of free forms it is difficult to distinguish them from combinations of words. [Online 2] What is the difference between a slow coach and a slowcoach? There are several criteria which can help to differentiate between them. 1.. Phonological criterion. Almost all compounds with a few exceptions always show a high stress on the first element. Compound adjectives are doubled-stressed: easy-going, snow-white. 2. Morphological criterion. Criterion of Formal Integrity was introduced by A.I. Smirnitsky. Comparing shipwreck and wreck of a ship with identical sets of morphemes and identical meaning he states that they differ. A word is characterized by structural integrity which is absent in a word-combination. Grammatical formants are added to the whole compound not to every component: shipwrecks, shipwrecks. 3. Syntactic criterion. We have no right to modify any component of a compound word or to change their order or to insert any word into its structure. L. Bloomfield points out that the word black in the phrase black birds can be modified by very, very black birds, but never in a compound blackbirds. 4. Graphical criterion. Compound words may have solid, hyphened and even separate spelling. The lack of uniformity in spelling makes this criterion insufficient and highly unreliable. The historical development of compounds and their Classsification Not all the compound words inherited by the vocabulary of English are preserved in the language in their primary form having undergone various phonetic changes, which reduced them to simple or root words. This process is called simplification of stems. The form of a compound word and its pronounciation may be changed so that it is hardly recognizable. The following examples serve as illustration: woman = wifmann (Old English, woman person), husband = husbonda (Old English, master of the house, bua to dwell). There are three ways to classify compound words. 1. Structural classification. Structurally, compounds are distinguished as endocentric (bookcase, sunrise), exocentric (cut-throat, daredevil), buhuvrihi [1] (bigwig, greenhorn) and syntactic compounds which correlate with phrases (baby-sitter) (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986 :123) 2. According to the type of composition compounds are divided into 3 groups: a) Juxtaposition without linking elements (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123): heartache, bookcase, film-star. b) Compounds with linking vowel and consonant (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123): Afro-American, speedometer, handicraft. c) Compounds with linking elements represented by preposition and conjunction stems (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123): bread-and-butter, father-in-law. There are also lexicalized phrases like (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123) forget-me-not, devil-may-care, dog-in-the-manger. 3. According to the structure of immediate constituents (later in the research IC) compounds are divided into four groups: a) Compounds consisting of simple stems (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123): bottle-neck, stare-gaze; b) Compounds where one IC is derived (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123): beef-eater; c) Compounds where one IC is clipped: X-mas (Christmas) (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123); d) Compounds where one IC is compound: wastepaper-basket (à  Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ  ½Ãƒ  ¾Ãƒ  »Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’à  ´ 1986:123). specific features of english compounds The majority of English compounds consist of free forms where combining elements are rare and possess a regular two-stem pattern. Any element playing an attributive function and standing before the main word may be united with it and form a compound word: two-year course, last-minute preparation. Derivational compounds contain two free stems and suffix referring to the whole combination: blue-eyed. There are also a lot of nonce-words among them: save-your-own-soul-ism. A special group of compounds is constituted by reduplicative compounds: reduplicative compounds proper, ablaut combinations and rhyme combinations. New word-forming patterns in composition revealing the influence of extra-linguistic factors can be illustrated by such compounds as teach-in, phone-in, sit-in, etc. These combinations contain a connotation of public protest. Compound words are frequent among nouns and adjectives but the existence of compound verbs in Modern English can be doubted. To blacklist, to over-flow are often called compound verbs. However, for example, to house-keep, to hitch-hike are created not by composition but by back-formation and conversion if treated diachronically. Conclusion To conclude the results of the research it is important to state that after having read and analyzed the theory of composition as a way of English word-formation the author of the research came to the conclusion that compounds have a long history and are one of the most popular ways of word-building in English language. It should be also mentioned that not a single criterion mentioned it the research is sufficient to establish whether we deal with a combination of words or a compound word.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Short Story :: Free Essays
Short Story Joe stepped out of the revolving doors. His sigh could easily be identified as one of relief. The dreary London rain could be seen disturbing the image of the people on the other side of the road. People's breath could be seen in the cold air. Many people were hurrying down the street armed with umbrellas like they were defending against the invading rain. Joe put up his umbrella and joined the rest of London rushing down the streets. One guy could be seen running down the road cradling what looked like his only belongings in his arms. He was soaked to the skin with the rain his body visible through his wet shirt. He walked directly into Joe and his papers all fell to the floor. He immediately buckled to one knee to retrieve them. He looked up at Joe and stared at him for while with a look of recognition. He stared for a few extra seconds, then picked up his papers and began running again, leaving with so much as an apology. Joe continued walking down the street and for sum unknown reason he was unable to set his mind free of the image of the man that collided with him. Joe called in the newsagent and the lady behind the counter handed him his cigarettes, to which he placed the exact change on the counter, without a word exchanged between the two. He finally arrived at his block of flats; he walked up the four flights of stairs the walked to his room, 403. Rather than take a key out of his pocket Joe reached above the doorway and grabbed the key from there, he placed it into the lock, opened the door and returned the key to its home. He then switched the light on. The room was plain, simple and more than anything run down. There were only enough utilities for a persons basic needs. The walls were undecorated and damp marks were visible, there were three certificates on the wall, apart from that, they were
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Colonies and Colonizers costums Essay
Although Alexie was a creative writer, his essay uses metaphors in the context of straight forward statements. Only his reference of a fence can be treated so far as a rhetorical statement. This shows how he might still be saying that although he is teaching his fellow people, they are still not open to real education, as he expresses in some of his statements where instead of learning to read and write, some of his students still ought to stay at the back and be indifferent to education as what was their parents’ custom. In fact in the essay’s last paragraph, Alexie expresses his frustration and in some ways, insult to his fellow people. Among colonized nations there is this one behavior that is very evident among them, refusal to learn the practices of their colonizers especially their education (or in other words colonizers teaching the colonies how to be them). Indians had been long standing in the colonies that have refused to learn the ways of the non-Indians. All in all, Sherman Alexie’s essay speaks of frustration and yet hopesâ€â€frustration in the fact that his people are not open to education. That the non-Indians don’t always offer their own customs but an opportunity to be fulfilled in one’s life. Alexie’s usage of a Superman not only offers a quick way of learning how to read but a comic relief to the essay. Alexie was arrogant, he was smart, he was able to save his life and now he is trying to save the life and the culture of his people. Works Cited Alexie, Sherman. â€Å"Superman and me†. The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me (1997) McAdam, D. J. â€Å"American Indian Culture and American Society†. D. J. McAdam Where the world goes for free advice. < http://www. djmcadam. com/ojibwe. html>
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Introductory Economics Cheatsheet
Problems by Command 1. Information collection 2. Principal-agent 3. Disagreement among multiple decision-makers. Arrows’ impossibility theorem. Paradox of voting. 4. Enforcement Coordination by Market Princes as signals of scarcity/abundance Induces coordination Requires much less info No enforcement costs No principal-agent problem No problem with multiple decision makers Qualification: some command systems exist within a market (eg firms) Public Good Has free-rider problem due to non-excludability. Can only be provided by a coercive authority that can force users to pay for these goods. Taxes. Collective GoodsProvide benefits for a group. Cartels and Unions Has free riding problem. Prevent by sanctions Common Resources Non-excludable but exhaustible Natural resources goods Lack of well-defined property rights encourages overuse. The tragedy of the commons. Solve by asserting ownership rights over common resources. Coarse theorem Markets generate themselves for property trans fer that internalize externalities. Adverse selection & Moral hazard Market price based on expected quality Reward people for not maintaining quality High quality sellers drop out Cycle continues Market collapse FDI promotes technology transfer without moral hazard.Equilibrium – no one has an incentive to change their behavior. Price ceiling Cause a shortage due to excess demand Leads to rationing or preferential allocation, long queues, inefficiency. Those who do get will benefit from the lower prices. Price floor Eg Minimum wage Only those workers who don’t lose their jobs benefit from the higher wages. Consumer surplus When price goes down, CS increase due to 2 reasons. Existing buyers pay less. More buyers are able to enter market. Producer surplus Markets select low cost suppliers. Only those whose costs of production are below the market price enter.When price goes down, ‘marginal seller’ drops out. When price goes up, PS increases due to 2 reasons. Existing producer get a higher price. More producers can enter. Total welfare = CS + PS Govt intervention decreases this Factors of demand Income & substitution effect Change in tastes Expectation of future prices Change in number of buyers Factors of supply Change in technology Change in input prices Expectation of future prices Change in number of sellers Elasticity Price elasticity of demand for a good is the % change in demand when the good’s price falls by 1%. Elasticity along a linear demand curve decreases with a decrease in price.Factors affecting elasticity of demand Number of substitutes/whether the good is a necessity/time frame/broadness of category Income elasticity of demand is the % increase in its demand for a 1% rise in income. Indifference curve Non-lexicographic and non-satiation Convex to origin – preference for variety Cant cross each other due to consistency and transitivity Marginal rate of substitution(MRS) Negative of an indifference curve†™s slope at any point Equal to the ratio of marginal utilities of the 2 goods at that point Slope of budget line is the negative of the relative prices of the 2 goods.At tangent, slope of budget line and slope of indifference curve must be equal. MRS=relative prices at this point The ratio of marginal utility to price is equal for both goods at the point chosen (equimarginal principle) Income and substitution effect Cost curve AFC=TFC/Q, AVC=TVC/Q, ATC=AFC+AVC AFC declining with Q. AVC first falls then rises. U shaped. Rising marginal cost. When MCMC. No supply curve. MC Pricing P=MC, lead to losses for natural monopoly, which govt can subsidize. But tax has its own deadweight loss. P=ATC , zero profits. Alternative, public ownership Price discriminationIncrease monopolist profits First degree – extract entire CS, socially optimal but unlikely Second degree – Charge buyers based on observable characteristics Third degree – separated markets Quantity discounts Contestable Market No barrier to entry Maintain monopoly only due to the fact that it entered first P=MC, zero economic profits Durable Goods Monopoly MC=0 Compete against its future price Cartels and collusion Incentive that monopoly profits are higher Each has an incentive to sell more than the agreed amount, resulting in a collapse of the agreement. Bertrand duopoly Assumption constant MC.Equilibrium at AC=MC. Naive thinking and no capacity constraint and price easily adjusted Sweezy model Each firm assumes that if it cuts its price, this will be matched by all its rivals while if it increase its price, it will not be matched. Perceive demand curve to be very inelastic below the existing price and very elastic above existing price. Result in price rigidity Reverse kink Each firm assumes that its price increases will be matched by all rivals, while its price cuts will not. Demand curve becomes elastic below the existing price as the cut speedily increases the demand for this firmà ¢â‚¬â„¢s product.Inelastic above the existing price. Result in price instability. Likely during depression. Competition in output Cournet Model Supposes wrongly that other firms will not react to its own output decisions. Will not result in zero-profit outcome. MR=MC. Monopolistic competition Large number of sellers with differentiated products No barriers to entry Each firm faces a downward sloping demand curve Short run, try to max profits by MR=MC. Due to free entry, more firms enter in long run as long as positive economic profits are made. Shifts demand curve to the less are market share reduced. Long run equilibrium, P=AC.Not at minimum of AC curve, thus inefficiency as each firm has excess capacity. Provide more variety though. Game theory Dominant strategy equilibrium No incentive to deviate as none of the players can do better by choosing a different strategy. Nash Equilibrium Each player has no incentive to deviate by himself. Each guess what other player choose. Coordinat ion problem Multiple equilibrium Solve by convention Focal point – higher payoff for 1 equilibrium Zero-sum games Solve by maximin rule – maximize his minimum payoffs. Repeated games Grim trigger strategy cannot work if the game is repeated a known finite number of times.If infinitely, can sustain if they do not discount the future heavily(sufficient weight to future punishments). Discount factor > 1/3. Sequential game Backward induction – work backwards to solve Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium – additional property of ruling out empty threat GDP – the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time Relies on market prices Includes market value of the stream of services from durable goods Miss out value of non market services Excludes transfer payments Consumption + Investment + Government spending + Net exportY=C+I+G+NX GDP deflator = (Nominal GDP/real GDP)*100 GDP per capita flawed as a welfare me asure as it excludes value of leisure, clean environment, and safety. CPI measures the cost of a fixed basket of goods bought by a typical consumer. Overstates cost of living because of substitution bias. Introduction of new goods and thus increased living standards is not reflected. Quality changes is not measure. GDP deflator includes goods not bought by typical consumer. CPI includes imports. Real interest=nominal interest – inflation Productivity is a key to rapid growth. Physical capitalHuman capital Natural resources Technology Y= AF(L, K, H, N) Productivity is given by Y/L = AF(1, K/L, H/L, N/L) Technology progress continuously expands the resource frontier. Phases of rapid growth have occurred when a technological innovation opens up a new elastic supply source. Eg Industrial revolution, Railway boom, IT. Policies to promote growth Encourage savings and investment. Diminishing marginal productivity of capital implies that high saving will no longer lead to fast growth beyond a point. Convergence effect. Encourage FDI. Builds up physical and human capital accumulation.Has learning effects through tech transfer and positive externalities. Education. Secure system of property rights Lack of corruption or political instability Pursuing free trade Population growth can lead to lower capital-labor ratio which might decrease productivity Also inefficiency in human capital accumulation as same educational facilities spread thinly Large families may keep woman out of labor force which reduces total productivity C and IM tend to increase as national income rise. So C= C+cY, IM=IM+mY where c and m are marginal propensity to consume and import. An increase in GDP of $1 increases C by c and IM by m. c,m
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mainstream Society Essays - I Am Joaquin, Chilly Gonzales
Mainstream Society Essays - I Am Joaquin, Chilly Gonzales Mainstream Society In the poem ? I am Joaquin ? written by poet/writer Rodolfo Gonzales portrays how his culture battles but still survive in today?s mainstream society. Gonzales knows that his ancestors lost the economic battle, but still managed to survive culturally. He also understands that he must fight so the future can be bright for his son?s and he must let them know how hard it was to be where he is now. Gonzales is pleased that he hasn?t been trapped in today?s mainstream society and that he is not ashamed because of his heritage background. Gonzales also writes about how he endures in a society that brings him down because of his cultural background. Gonzales wants his kids to understand how his ancestors struggled but endured to survive culturally. Gonzales acknowledges that his bloodlines remained culturally even though losing the battle economically, so he must fight to bring hope for the future,? I must fight and win this struggle for my son?s and they must know from me who I am.? Gonzales wants the future to understand where they came from and how there was struggle for the future. Gonzales writes,? I have endured in the rugged mountains of our country. My fathers have lost the economic battle and won the struggle of cultural survival.? Gonzales knows that?s his ancestors lost the battle, but that dosen?t matter because Gonzales is so proud that he is still here to fight. Gonzales writes,? I am still here,? it shows how he has endured and that his culture is still here. Gonzales is very proud that he has survived living in today?s society,? I am the masses of my people and I refuse to be absorbed.? Gonzales also shows how he refuses to be acknowledged as someone else but as himself. He is happy with his culture,? La Raza! Mejicano! Espanol! Latino! Hispanio! Chicano or whatever I call myself, I look the same, I feel the same, I cry and sing the same. My faith unbreakable, my blood is pure.? Gonzales faith is so strong that it has endured through all of his struggles and his blood is pure. Gonzales continues to survive even though being put down by society. Gonzales explains how he and his culture endure with everything stacked up against them. He also writes that caught up in all the bewilderment he and his people will live perpetually. Gonzales writes,? Caught up in the whirl of a gringo society. Part of the blood that is mine has labored endlessly for four hundred years under the heel of lustful Europeans.? Gonzales understands that his blood has European greedy but he can deal with that and still survive. ? Destroyed by modern society.? Gonzales describes how mainstream society some of his culture (economically) and him. Gonzales still has hope he can endure. Gonzales must fight to let the future know they lost the economic battle but still survived culturally. He is so proud of himself of not getting caught up in mainstream society, he also has confidence that he can endure in a society that dosen?t like him because of his bloodlines.
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